Page 31 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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the importance of curricula and instructional   but the students are completely disengaged or
     supports within the New Jersey Tiered System   maybe the teacher is brilliant, but can’t relate
     of Supports framework. Administrators and   to students and quite honestly intimidates you.
     educators are seeking guidance on how best to   You don’t have to be a math content expert in
     improve the mathematics performance of ALL   order to recognize what good math instruction
     students through the Core Mathematics Program   should be.
     and Interventions. This series will highlight   These workshops are for the non-math
     the challenges of increasing achievement in   administrator who wants to give math teachers
     mathematics and steps Educators, School-based   constructive feedback that will help them grow
     Leaders, and District Leaders can take to respond   professionally. You will become an expert in
     accordingly. Dr. Paul Riccomini draws upon the   how students should be learning math and how
     most currently available research-based evidence   teacher should design lessons to support the use
     for teaching mathematics to struggling students   of math practices in the classroom. An opportunity
     and students with disabilities.         to practice your new skills will also be provided.
     Series Highlights:                      Join us for one or both of these days:
      •  Overview of the NJTSS to address the   Day 2 will focus on Math Practices 2, 3, 4, 5:
        disparities in student performance;    •  Reason abstractly and quantitatively
      •  How the “deficit” paradigm contributes to   •  Construct viable arguments and critique the
        low expectations for students with diverse   reasoning of others
        educational needs;                     •  Model with mathematics
      •  What are the critical elements necessary for
        a successful core mathematics program;  •  Use appropriate tools strategically
      •  How to select and utilize a universal
        screener to evaluate the effectiveness of a    Addressing Student Mental
        core mathematics program;            Health Issues
      •  What administrators and teachers need   May 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
        to know about interventions and effective   at William W. Allen Middle School
        mathematics instruction;             Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
      •  How administrators and teachers can learn   Director; George Scott, Ed.S, LMFT, LEGAL
        about and incorporate such practices in   ONE Consultant
        their work;                          Fee: $150
      •  Strategies for implementation of these
        components into a coherent Tiered System   When students struggle with mental health
        of Supports.                         issues, they are often times undiagnosed,
                                             and the behavior can be dismissed by school
                                             officials and parents as kids being kids, laziness,
         Up the Bar with Sheltered English   or worse. Often times, such students feel
     (PSEL Standards 3 and 4)                ashamed or confused and are unwilling or
                                             unable to seek assistance. This workshop will
     May 16, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm               provide clear guidance on the signs to look for
     at Brick Township PD Center             when students are dealing with mental health
     Presenters: Susana Matos-Kruck, President,   issues, how and when to send students out for
     Up the Bar Consulting, LLC              outside mental health review and clearance,
     Fee: $149                               and key steps to take in assisting such students.
     English language learners (ELLs) compel   Participants will also learn about the issue
                                             of suicidal ideation and ways to identify and
     teachers to consider how their students   assist students at risk for harm to themselves
     can succeed in the delicate balancing act of   or others. Participants will see a preview of
     acquiring both content and language. Engaging   Signs Matter: Early Detection, an online suicide
     in the process of sheltered English instructional   prevention training course, which includes
     scaffolds, teachers learn to thoughtfully plan   scenarios and expert analysis.
     their lessons complete with visuals, meaningful
     tasks, and effective learning strategies in
     a culturally responsive and collaborative       Politics, Ethics, and School
     environment. Teachers of ELLs become stronger,
     more creative, and more competent as they rise   Law: A Survival Guide for School
     to the challenge of creating equitable access   Leaders
     to education for all of their students. As they   May 20, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC
     experience the sheltered English instructional   Presenters: Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques,
     scaffolds, participants will emerge with a   Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal
     renewed appreciation for the richness that   Research and Content Development and Dr.
     results from cultural diversity.        Nancy Richmond, FEA Consultant
                                             Fee: $150
         Is Math Instruction Really          Navigating political and ethical issues within
     Supposed to Look Like That?             a School District is a complicated task for an
                                             Administrator. What do you do when a political
     (PSEL Standards 4 and 10)               leader or the politically connected parent, staff
     Day 2 - May 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA  member, Board member, community member
     Presenters: Deborah Droke, Director of   or vendor wants to use their influence to receive
     Instruction Mathematics and Science,    favorable treatment?
     Northern Burlington Regional School     This seminar will provide insight and strategies
     District; Dorian Giorgio, FEA Consultant  for dealing with issues including:
     Fee: $149                                 •  Understanding the inevitable political
     Did you ever walk out of a math classroom and   influences that must be addressed as a
     wonder how am I going to give constructive   school leader and how to be a “politician”
     feedback to help this math teacher? Maybe the   in a good way (yes, there is such a thing!);
     teacher cares immensely about the students,   •  Understanding Ethical, Political and
                                                 Practical Considerations in Building a
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