Page 4 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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January a collection of activities in which classrooms
engage, without a grounding structure. Move
one or two of the people in the schoolhouse
Leading the Induction Process and the “program” begins to unravel. Join us
and align SEL and Mindful practices into your
(PSEL Standards 6 and 7) content. In this session participants will learn
Jan. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA how to:
Presenters: Vicki Duff, Coordinator of • Use the NJDOE SEL competencies and sub-
Professional Learning, FEA; Emil Carafa, competencies to guide and instill Mindful
Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA practices
Fee: $149 • Elicit appropriate neurotransmitters for
Induction programs serve as critical pathways happy, productive student engagement
for educators as they enter the profession. The • Get students to evaluate their own social
role of an effective instructional leader, such as and self awareness with the CPR chart
principal, assistant principal, director, supervisor • Stop, Drop, and Breathe
and teacher leader, constitutes a valuable human • Incorporate movement into content
resource for schools as they induct new members
into the profession. Fullan (2001) stated that
"sustained success is never just one special Extended School Year Issues
event, meeting, or activity; rather it is a journey Jan. 15, 2019; 9 am - noon at FEA
of recursive decisions and actions." Numerous
studies indicate that the challenges faced by new Presenter: Isabel Machado, Esq., Machado
educators need to be supported by professional Law Group
learning to support and foster skill acquisition for Fee $75
all instructional leaders. This session will provide This session will provide a detailed explanation
strategies for creating effective supports for all of the particular requirements and procedures
mentors and novice teachers. regarding Extended School Year Issues
pertaining to special education students. Topics
WEBINAR to be discussed include:
• Legal standard for ESY — Regression and
Hot Issues in School Law Recoupment and how to measure, the
Jan. 8, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm importance of data and when to make this
Presenters: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE decision;
Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director • Case law surrounding ESY;
of Personnel and Administrative Services, • Stay-put and when it applies to ESY;
Lawrence Township • Length and duration of ESY;
Fee: $40 • Out of district programs for ESY — camps,
This webinar will address current legal sleep away camps, specialized programs;
developments in School Law, including HIB legal and
issues, TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration • Transportation and related services during
Decisions and other current and ongoing School ESY.
Law topics.
The Power of Good Questions The Connected Action Roadmap:
(PSEL Standards 4 and 10) A Systemic Process for School
Jan. 9, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Improvement (PSEL Standards 4, 7,
Presenter: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant and 10)
Fee: $149 Jan. 15, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
at Brick Township PD Center
We know that learning to answer questions
is crucial to the learning process. Learning to Presenters: Donna McInerney, CEO, FEA;
ask important questions is equally vital. In this Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional
workshop we will explore both teacher and Learning, FEA; Emil Carafa, Coordinator of
student developed questions and examine Professional Learning, FEA
ways we can ask more thoughtful and thought- Fee: $149
provoking questions, as well as ways to foster Improving student learning and strengthening
that skill in students. The content is appropriate teacher practice require a systemic and sustainable
across subject areas and grades. process, driven by the collaborative work of PLCs
and shared leadership. The Connected Action
Social-Emotional Learning Through Roadmap (CAR) provides a coherent approach
to curriculum, instruction, assessment and school
Mindful Practices (PSEL Standard 6) climate that builds a common language and un-
Jan. 10, 2019: 9 am - 3 pm derstanding and shifts the focus of educators from
at Brick Township PD Center compliance and programs to process and effective
Presenter: Sharon McCarthy, ENVISION: practices. Endorsed by the NJ Department of Edu-
cation and the leading educational organizations
Breakthroughs in Learning across the state, the CAR framework is currently
Fee: $149 being used by teams of educators from across the
Currently, Mindful Practices are ubiquitous state to develop curriculum and instructional tools
in the schoolhouse — and with good in ELA and Math.
reason. Although more research needs to be
completed, the early data points to positive
impacts on students’ well being as well as
academic achievement. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that oft times, Mindfulness is