Page 5 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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Understanding Boundaries:        and learning, teachers can then develop
     Appropriate Communications in the       assessments and activities that address the
                                             complexity of rigorous learning. In this session,
     Workplace                               participants will take a close read of standards,
     Jan. 16, 2019; 9 am - noon              apply them across subject areas, explore a
     at Hamilton Township School District    variety of resources, and examine ways to work
     Presenter: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE   with varied data to strengthen instruction,
     Director                                assessments, and student thinking. Whether you
                                             are a teacher leader, supervisor or principal, you
     Fee: $75                                will find tools and strategies you can apply to
     Staff members need to understand the impact   improve the quality of your work.
     of their words and actions on their colleagues,
     and recognize the boundaries that should never
     be crossed in the workplace and beyond. This    Responding to Kids in Crisis:
     workshop will review statutory requirements   The Role of the School Counselor
     and recent case law regarding sexual harass-  Sponsored by LEGAL ONE & NJSCA
     ment and other forms of employment discrimi-
     nation. Participants will also review recent cases   Jan. 23, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     where virtual boundaries were crossed through   Presenters: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE
     the use of social media and electronic commu-  Director; Diahann DeRuggiero, MSW, M.Ed.,
     nications. The impact of Healthy Workplace En-  McKinney-Vento Program Coordinator -
     vironment policies will also be discussed. Finally,   Northern Region; George Scott, Ed.S, LMFT,
     participants will consider various scenarios and   LEGAL ONE Consultant
     determine the appropriate course of action to   Fee: $150
     take, in light of state and federal law.  Many students come to school every day
                                             struggling with crisis situations, and are
            The Principal/AP/VP's            unsure where to turn. This workshop will assist
                                             school counselors in understanding their legal
     Survival Guide!                         requirements and best practices in helping
     Jan. 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm              students respond to crisis situations, including
     at Cherry Hill High School East         student mental health challenges, suicidal
     Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL   ideation, drug and alcohol abuse, bullying and
     ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and    cyberbullying, dating violence, pregnancy,
     Content Development; James J. Sarto Ed.S.,   homelessness, and more.
     NJ Leaders to Leaders Program Coordinator
     Fee: $150                                 SAT English Language Arts and
     Novice, experienced, and veteran principals   Social Studies (PSEL Standards 4 & 10)
     and assistant principals! How can we possibly
     remember everything? Time goes by, students,   Sponsored by FEA and College Board
     staff, community, process, procedures, and most   Jan. 24, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     importantly… educational law changes. This may   Presenter: Alan Bernstein, Senior Director,
     be the refresher session you have been waiting   State and District Partnerships, College
     for. Join us as we focus on basic “I Should   Board
     Already Know That” information, as well as:   Fee: $149
      •  Daily school operations, duties, and   This session will include an overview of the new
        responsibilities                     College Board Assessment system, as well as
      •  Case studies on student accountability  a discussion of the key shifts from the current
      •  Smoking v. Vaping v. Drug Policies  College Board assessments and how these
      •  Contracts and Job Descriptions      shifts now include a greater emphasis on social
                                             studies concepts. In ELA, you will examine the
      •  Tenure and Bumping Rights           domains and standards that College Board
      •  Tips, Suggestions, and Time Saving Exercises  is measuring and how these domains and
      •  Search and Seizure                  standards map to specific test questions and
      •  Due Process – Releasing Staff Members   item types found in the assessment. In Social
        from Their Positions                 Studies, you will examine the cross-test scores
      •  Student Safety                      in History and Social Studies and how these
                                             map to specific test questions and item types
      •  Common Sense!                       found in the assessments. There will also be
      •  Document, Document, Document!       an opportunity to develop strategies for next
      •  It’s Always Been Done That Way, How   steps, with a particular emphasis on the use of
        Should I Know It Was Illegal?!"      Khan Academy resources and upcoming score
                                             reporting capabilities.
       Check, Reflect, Connect: Using
     Data and Learning Design to Enhance           Overview of Discrimination Law
     Student Learning (PSEL Standard 4)      and the Role of Affirmative Action
     Jan. 23, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm              Officer
     at Brick Township PD Center             Jan. 29, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Presenters: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant and   Presenters: David Nash, Esq. LEGAL ONE
     Tom Barclay, FEA Consultant             Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director
     Fee: $149                               of Personnel and Administrative Services,
                                             Lawrence Township; Joseph Spoltore
     Beginning with a deep understanding of   and Dana Myers, Assistant Principals,
     standards and associated content areas, and   Cumberland Regional High School
     using available resources, teachers need to   Fee: $150
     develop purposeful student learning objectives.
     Using these objectives to guide instruction   Affirmative Action Officers and school leaders
                                             must be diligent in protecting the rights of
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