Page 6 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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all students and staff members regardless of The Facilitating Leader: A Good
race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or
disability. This specially-designed workshop will Leader is a Good Facilitator (PSEL
focus on dealing with the many complex issues Standards 6, 7, and 10)
and laws involving discrimination in schools. Jan. 31, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
This workshop will also review the impact of Presenters: Peggy Stewart, FEA Consultant
the wave of sexual harassment claims made
recently. Participants will also learn about a Fee: $149
model district approach to addressing issues of We know that effective facilitation is crucial
dating violence and the promotion of a greater for building meaningful collaborative practices
understanding of boundaries for students. that can positively impact a school’s culture
and climate and bring out the best in all of
Investigating Discrimination us. Serving as an effective school or district
leader, an instructional coach, a teacher leader
Claims or PLC facilitator, requires knowledge, skills,
Jan. 30, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA and behaviors that help build the capacity
of others to transform their own practice. In
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE this workshop we will explore how to design
Director; Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners collaborative spaces that support teams in
Law Enforcement; Rebecca Gold, Former all stages of development, move teams from
Director of Personnel and Administrative compliance to engagement, and learn how to
Services, Lawrence Township motivate, inspire, and support adult learners.
Fee: $150 This workshop is for anyone who wants to grow
When allegations of discrimination are made their facilitation skills to lead positive changes in
involving school employees or students, the way we work.
it’s essential that the matter is investigated
promptly, effectively and legally. This workshop
will provide you with the tools you need to
develop and carry out investigation plans, February
including strategies for gathering and reviewing
documents, questioning techniques to help you
get to the truth and a review of procedural steps Grant Writing 101: Innovation on a
that must be taken. Participants will receive Lean Budget (PSEL Standards 1, 4, 9, 10)
model templates and sample investigation Feb. 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
reports, learn how to develop and carry out an
investigation action plan, learn from prior case Presenter: Marc Natanagara, Ed.D., Assistant
law and review real world scenarios. Superintendent, Toms River Regional Schools
Fee: $149
Hot Issues in School Law In nearly every workshop describing school
initiatives, audience questions inevitably turn
Jan. 30, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC to finances: “The idea sounds great, but how
Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL can my budget support it?” Funding everything
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and from classroom projects to large scale initiatives
Content Development will always be a challenge, but hundreds of
Fee: $150 millions of dollars in grants from hundreds of
This workshop will address current sources are awarded every year to those with a
need who know how to write them and take the
developments in a variety of legal issues, time to apply.
including HIB case law and legislative issues,
TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration Decisions, In this workshop, participants will:
student safety, recent legislative enactments, • locate sources of grants
social media, First Amendment rights and • explore how to write grants that get
responsibilities, and other current and ongoing attention
school law topics. • discuss examples of initiatives grants are
best used for
Advanced Workplace • dissect examples of previously awarded
Investigation Techniques • identify parameters, commitments, and
Jan. 31, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA limitations that everyone should be aware of
David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; • discover common points among all grants
Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel that make writing them easier the more
and Administrative Services, Lawrence you apply
Township; Joanne Sung, Assistant
Superintendent, North Plainfield School • learn how to leverage a successful grant to
District; Cynthia Assini, K-12 Supervisor apply for others
of Social Studies/Gifted and Talented, • plan the sustainability of programs after the
Hillsborough Township Public Schools grant period
Fee: $150 • practice working with media, both social
Conducting a comprehensive investigation and traditional, in the service of grants
incorporating key elements of an Investigation In addition to engaging in these activities, par-
Plan. Topics to be discussed include: essential ticipants will leave with a well structured outline
facts, keys to success, identifying issues, of an actual grant application specific to their
gathering information, special considerations, district, school, or classroom that can be used as
conducting interviews, confidentiality, and a foundation to apply for nearly every grant.
documentation. Target Audience: PreK-12 Administrators,
Teachers, and Finance Personnel