Page 11 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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instructional tools in ELA and Math, that will   the causes of toxic adult to adult relationships;
     be shared by the NJDOE for use in the 2019-  learn tools to support the development of clear
     20 school year.  Come to this session to learn   expectations for professional behavior; consider
     how these tools can strengthen teaching and   the relationship between SEL instruction for
     learning across your school/district.   students and adult modeling of SEL skills,
                                             and consider ways to create a strong sense of
        New Jersey Leadership Academy        professionalism through collaboration.
     (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, and 6)             Culturally Relevant Instruction
     Series 5, Cohort 8 at Bergen            and Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 & 4)
     Community College                       Feb. 28, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
     LEADing Toward the Future               at Brick Township PD Center
     Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA        Presenter: Tom Barclay, FEA Consultant
     Fee: $450 for the series                Fee: $149
     The current class of kindergarteners will graduate   The always changing cultural landscape of
     in 2031. How are we, as instructional leaders,   New Jersey's student population necessitates
     building the capacity of all educators to support   that NJ educational leaders maintain a focus
     student learning in the immediate future while   on Culturally Relevant Instruction and work
     building out the connections to prepare them   diligently to assure that all school personnel are
     for success when they graduate in 12 years? How   aware of and are implementing such practices
     do we create an educational infrastructure that   regularly and effectively. The particular focus
     models the actions and behaviors that students   of this workshop, apart from learning about
     will need to work in collaborative environments,   Culturally Relevant Practices as educational
     accept responsibility for their decisions, build   leaders, is to learn strategies and processes
     cultural competencies for living in an increasingly   to create, monitor and improve our practice,
     diverse world, and instill a mindset that   such that students of all cultures may have the
     embraces curiosity, creativity and innovation?   playing field leveled and that they are able to
     Today’s leaders are tasked with leading learning   thrive academically, physically, and socially. In
     environments in their districts that connect today’s   this session, participants will: (1) understand
     knowledge development with the knowledge and   the cultural makeup of their school or district;
     skills that will be needed in the future. Participants   (2) reflect on what practices might be in place
     will engage in activities and dialogue to explore   already; (3) learn characteristics of culturally
     strategies over the following three days:   relevant instruction; (4) reflect again, with more
     Day 1: Developing Socially and Emotionally   information, on practices that are in place in
     Healthy Students (PSEL Standards 3 and 5)  their school or district; (5) learn strategies to
     Feb. 26, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)  create, monitor, and improve instruction for
     Day 2: Creating Technology Savvy Instruction   students of all cultures
     (PSEL Standards 3 and 4)
     Apr. 1, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)  Supporting School Leaders'
     Day 3: Envisioning the Power of Teacher   Instructional Capacity:
     Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 and 6)     National SAM Innovation Project
     Jun. 6, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)  (PSEL Standards 6, 9, and 10)
                                             Feb. 28, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
          Code of Conduct Investigations:    Presenters: Dr. Mark Shellinger, Director,
     Getting to the Truth                    National SAM Innovation Project and
     Feb. 26, 2019 9 am - 3 pm at FEA        district/school leaders
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   Fee: Free (but you must register)
     Director; Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners   Many principals in New Jersey have increased
     Law Enforcement                         their instructional leadership capacity through
     Fee: $150                               the SAM Project. They have positively impacted
                                             teaching and learning with this process,
     Day three of the Code of Conduct Series will   proven effective in independent and external
     lead participants through hands-on strategies   research. The process is directly linked to the
     for conducting investigations of various forms   improvement of both teacher quality and school
     of student misconduct. Participants will leave   climate and culture in addition to student
     with a clear game plan for how to conduct   academic gains. The SAM process changes the
     a wide array of student investigations and   status quo by prioritizing the principal's focus
     ultimately get to the underlying truth.  on scheduled activities directly connected with
                                             improving teaching and learning.
         School Climate for Adults:          The SAM process follows five key steps: Readiness,
     It Matters (PSEL Standard 7)            Baseline Data Collection, Daily TimeTrack Meeting,
                                             Implementation Specialists and Time Change
     Feb. 27, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Coaching, and Year Later Data Collection.
     Presenter: Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant  Attend this free information session and hear
     Fee: $149                               from the national founder along with New
     Problems with adult-to-adult relationships in   Jersey educators who are using the system.
     school are often swept under the carpet. Yet,
     this set of relationships can make or break your
     school's goal of creating a positive learning
     environment for students. Adult interactions
     also greatly impact a school's capacity to
     promote the highest levels of student academic
     success. In this workshop, you will reflect on the
     adult relationships within your school; explore

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