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Conduct Away From School Tenure Review: Inefficiency and
Grounds Conduct Unbecoming
Feb. 28, 2019; 9 am - noon at MUJC Mar. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at Egg Harbor
Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL Township Public School District
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
Content Development ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
Fee: $75 Content Development
This workshop will review the legal parameters for Fee: $150
school officials in addressing conduct away from Whether you are preparing to file tenure
school grounds. Topics to be covered will include charges against a staff member or need to
bullying and cyberbullying, responding to student defend against tenure charges brought against
disputes that occur off school grounds, linking you, this course will provide valuable insight
participation in athletics to conduct outside of into the arbitration process and applicable legal
school, addressing derogatory comments towards standards involving TEACHNJ. Participants will
staff members, responding to self-destructive learn about the types of tenure charges that
student behavior such as drug or alcohol use, and have reached the arbitration level and receive
understanding how courts balance student First a thorough review of Arbitration Decisions
Amendment rights with other considerations. since the implementation of TEACHNJ in 2012.
Conduct Unbecoming, Incapacity and “Other
Just Cause” Charges: A discussion of the legal
March standards Arbitrators have applied to cases
• Excessive Absenteeism
HIB Law Update • Harassment
Mar. 1, 2019; 10 am - 1 pm • Inappropriate Interactions with Students
at Cherry Hill Public Library • Improper Staff Conduct Outside of School
Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL • Insubordination
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and • Progressive Discipline Issues
Content Development • Social Media Policy Violations
Fee: $75 Inefficiency Charges: An in-depth analysis of the
This session will provide an overview of the applicable legal standards for evaluating both
latest developments in state and federal Administrators and Staff under the Tenure Law.
law, including case law, emerging trends,
cyberbullying, and the most recent guidance
from the NJ and US Departments of Education. Grief in the Schoolhouse: Responding
Participants will gain an understanding of key to Loss (PSEL Standards 5, 6)
steps on complex issues such as addressing Mar. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
incidents involving students with disabilities,
when and how to involve the affirmative action Presenter: Dr. Dora P. Kontogiannis
officer and how to address allegations that staff FEA Presenter; Certified Grief Specialist
members have bullied students. Fee: $149
Is your school prepared for the death of a
Taking Ownership of School student or staff member?
and District’s Story: Using School In the US, there are five deaths every minute.
One of the least acknowledged and least
Performance Reports to Support addressed concerns in our society is GRIEF, the
Collaboration and Improvement normal and natural reaction to loss. Mortality
statistics indicate that the number of children
(PSEL Standards 1, 5, and 8) dying (accidents, illness, suicide, and homicide)
Mar. 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA is increasing. Teachers and staff are grieving.
Presenter: Jim McGlynn, Public Consulting 7/10 teachers have a grieving student in their
Group/Education classroom.
Fee: $149 More than 20% of teenagers will lose someone
School and district leaders sometimes feel close to them; and, 1/20 children will have one
they need to react to the public release of New or both parents die before they are 15 years old.
Jersey School Performance Reports in explaining Grief affects everyone and will continue to affect
school performance to key stakeholders. By our lives and the lives of those around us.
leveraging readily available “district profile By participating in this workshop, your under-
reports” in NJ SMART throughout the year, standing of grief and bereavement and how it
building and district leaders can better affects the “whole child” and your school com-
understand what will be reported to the public munity will be enhanced. You will be made aware
and take greater control of using data to of strategies and tools to assist students and staff
drive awareness, engagement and continuous who have experienced loss, and you will examine
improvement. This session will introduce the ways to create a grief sensitive school community.
various reports available to all districts via NJ This workshop is appropriate for all school staff.
SMART, the statewide education data system, Counselors and members of the Traumatic
and will guide participants through a crosswalk Loss Team (or crisis team) are encouraged to
of these reports and various metrics appearing attend.
in the New Jersey School Performance Reports.