Page 15 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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Healthy Students (PSEL Standards 3 and 5)  Women’s Leadership Conference
     Mar. 13, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)  Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA, NJASA, AASA
     Day 2: Creating Technology Savvy Instruction   Mar. 14 & 15, 2019
     (PSEL Standards 3 and 4)                at The Palace at Somerset Park
     Apr. 26, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)  Presenters: National and State Speakers
     Day 3: Envisioning the Power of Teacher   Fee: $199/day or $349/two days
     Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 and 6)     Register at
     May 21, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm (includes lunch)  An event designed for women in or aspiring to
                                             positions in educational leadership
          Emerging Trends in Student Use     Join the Superintendents Association, NJASA,
     of Controlled Dangerous Substances      and NJPSA/FEA for the third NJ Women’s
                                             Leadership Conference. This two-day event,
     Sponsored by LEGAL ONE & ASAP NJ        which sold out last year, offers women the
     Mar. 14, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       opportunity to learn from some of the great
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   leaders in the field of education on a variety of
     Director; Lori Todd, ASAP-NJ President;   topics of particular interest to women leaders.
     Wayne Yankus, M.D., F.A.A.P., Past President
     of NJ Chapter of American Academy of            Tenure Review: Inefficiency
     Pediatrics and current school physician
     Fee: $150                               and Conduct Unbecoming
     This workshop will review the latest trends in the   Mar. 15, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at NJSIG
     use of controlled dangerous substances, including   Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
     the opioid epidemic sweeping the nation, signs   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
     to look for that students may be struggling with   Content Development
     addiction issues or be under the influence, best   Fee: $150
     practices in addressing immediate medical issues   Whether you are preparing to file tenure charges
     and legal requirements that come into play.   against a staff member, or need to defend against
     Participants will also be asked respond to   tenure charges brought against you, this course
     scenarios and role plays that require rapid fire   will provide valuable insight into the arbitration
     decision making and the understanding of legal   process and applicable legal standards involving
     requirements and best practices.        TEACHNJ. Participants will learn about the types of
                                             tenure charges that have reached the arbitration
         Enhancing Math Curriculum for       level and receive a thorough review of Arbitration
                                             Decisions since the implementation of TEACHNJ
     All Learners (PSEL Standard 4)          in 2012. Conduct Unbecoming, Incapacity and
     Mar. 14, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       “Other Just Cause” Charges: A discussion of the
                                             legal standards Arbitrators have applied to cases
     Presenters: Joshua Zagorski, K-12 STEM   involving:
     Supervisor, Maple Shade School District;
     John Fritzky, Principal, Byram School District   •  Excessive Absenteeism
     Township                                  •  Harassment
     Fee: $149                                 •  Inappropriate Interactions with Students
     Mathematics education is shifting, and we are   •  Improper Staff Conduct Outside of School
     asking our teachers to teach mathematics in a way   •  Insubordination
     that does not reflect the pedagogical strategies   •  Progressive Discipline Issues
     implemented when we were in school. Visual
     representations, multiple pathways to a solution   •  Social Media Policy Violations
     and strategies of engagement are essential for all   Inefficiency Charges: An in-depth analysis of the
     levels of math students in our classrooms.  applicable legal standards for evaluating both
     Educators who attend this workshop will:  Administrators and Staff under the Tenure Law.
      •  participate in activities rooted in low floor/
        high ceiling instructional strategies that    Beyond Gender Identity and
        engage all levels of mathematics students
        without relying on a textbook (3 Act Math   Sexual Orientation: New Language,
        tasks, Number Talks, Clothesline Math,   Labels, and Liability                       Mar. 18, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC
      •  explore the best practices in math   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
        fluency and how student discourse and   Director; Robyn Gigl, Esq., Gluck Walrath LLP
        self reflection can enhance student   Fee: $150
        comprehension and reasoning skills.  This workshop will address LGBTQ legal rights
      •  explore, analyze and apply Achieve the   with an in-depth discussion of student and staff
        Core’s Coherence Map as a tool to fill in   issues. It will also provide a legal framework
        unfinished learning gaps for individual   and best practices for addressing students
        students and supplement grade level text   who resist gender identity labels, and therefore
        series.                              do not identify as either male or female, or
      •  leave with an outline on how to implement   do not consistently identify with one gender.
        these strategies into a school district’s   It is designed to assist school leaders with
        scope and sequence, lesson plans or math   proactively promoting a school climate that is
        classrooms the next day.             accepting of all students, regardless of sexual
     Target Audience: K-8 Educators          orientation or gender identity.
                                             Participants will gain an understanding of:
                                               •  The Language of Gender Identity and
                                               •  Overview of Applicable State and Federal
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