Page 19 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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sexual orientation, child abuse, etc. It will also HIB Law Update
address parent/guardian rights regarding access
to student records, including situations involving Apr. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
divorced parents and adult students. Finally, this at Brick Township PD Center
workshop will review New Jersey public records Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
law, including the right for public access to em- ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
ployee emails and the parameters for confidenti- Content Development
ality of employee to employee communications. Fee: $150
This session will provide an overview of the latest
Lifting the Level of Student developments in state and federal law, including
case law, emerging trends, cyberbullying, and the
Reading Proficiency Through most recent guidance from the NJ and US Depart-
Powerful Conferring - Grades K-5 ments of Education. Participants will gain an un-
derstanding of key steps on complex issues such
(PSEL Standard 4) as addressing incidents involving students with
Apr. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA disabilities, when and how to involve the affirma-
Presenter: Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant tive action officer and how to address allegations
that staff members have bullied students.
Fee: $149
Conferring is at the core of differentiating in-
struction. Differentiation of instruction is vital to Addressing Student Mental
meeting the needs of ALL students. Conferring Health: An Overview of Key Legal
with students and providing formative feedback
is one of the most effective ways to differentiate Requirements
learning. In this workshop, participants will: Apr. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
• Learn strategies on how to better Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
understand their students as readers. Director; Susan Coyle, MA, Traumatic
• Learn a new practical framework for Loss Coalitions for Youth Coordinator for
conferring, which focuses on student Middlesex County, Rutgers University
agency and a process-oriented approach Behavioral Health Care
that is clear and effective. Fee: $150
• Develop the art of how to “coach in” to a This workshop will review key legal
2, 4- and 6-minute individual/small group requirements under state and federal law
conference and provide formative feedback for addressing students who are dealing
for short- and long-term goal setting. with mental health issues. This will include
• Practice and collaborate on a host of a review of how mental health issues are
student friendly reading strategies aligned addressed under the New Jersey Law Against
to 13 reading goals. Discrimination, NJ's Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights,
IDEA, Section 504, and other anti-discrimination
• Understand and develop the “Architecture statutes. Participants will consider issues related
of a Mini-lesson” – Connect, Teach, Actively to anxiety, depression, addiction and suicidal
Engage, and Link ideation. Participants will understand how
to provide reasonable accommodations for
The Leader You Want and Need students, how to respond to disciplinary issues
and key steps to take when necessary to ensure
to Be (PSEL Standard 6) the safety of the student dealing with mental
Apr. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA health issues as well as the safety and well-
Presenters: Tom Barclay, FEA Consultant; being of others. Through the use of scenarios,
Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant participants will consider how to apply various
Fee: $149 state and federal legal requirements in
responding to real-world situations.
Great educational leaders need a strong philo-
sophical and experiential knowledge about how
to create positive change in the schools they Addressing Student Mental
lead. Maintaining focus on this foundation be- Health Issues: Beyond Identification
comes challenging in the fast-paced educational
environment in which we find ourselves. This and Referral
workshop will help you to reflect on what your Apr. 15, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
strongly held beliefs are, what type of leader you Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
prefer to be, and how to maintain focus on these Director; Susan Coyle, MA, Traumatic
beliefs in the midst of constant change. A strong Loss Coalitions for Youth Coordinator for
foundation and firm compass will allow you to Middlesex County, Rutgers University
meet the challenges of leading complex orga- Behavioral Health Care
nizations. Topics to be addressed in this session Fee: $150
include: self reflection using the PSEL tool and
other tools and self-surveys; development of Participants will gain knowledge of how to
a type of leadership profile; understanding of develop and improve practices for supporting
the strengths and weaknesses of our leadership students with mental health disorders. Topics
profile; learning how to match leadership style to will include: developing sound policies and
the context of the school and its challenges. procedures for identifying and responding to
students of concern; enhancing collaboration
with school staff, administrators, and parents
to improve identification and interventions;
implementing critical supports for students in
treatment and returning from hospitalizations;
and maximizing use of existing structures such
as I&RS and Section 504.