Page 21 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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instructional methodologies to increase reading
skills. Participants will have access to a host of May
technology and educational resources to assist
them in providing help to struggling readers. Building Bridges Through
Biliteracy (PSEL Standards 3, 4, and 8)
Addressing Student and May 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Staff Mental Health Issues Presenter: Susana Matos-Kruck, President,
Apr. 29, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC Up the Bar Consulting, LLC
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Fee: $149
Director; George Scott, Ed.S, LMFT, LEGAL Teaching for biliteracy focuses on the strategic
ONE Consultant and thoughtful ‘bridging’ between the Spanish
Fee: $150 and English languages. It is based on the
All school employees have a role in addressing premise that the native Spanish language
student and staff mental health issues, including deserves to be nurtured and fortified before
issues related to anxiety, depression, addiction, language learners can effectively ‘bridge’ into
response to traumatic events and suicidal ideation. English. Once they are ready, these learners
This workshop will help participants understand engage in a metalinguistic contrastive analysis
legal requirements, best practices and available wherein they learn to appreciate the similarities
resources designed to promote the mental health, and differences between their two languages.
safety and well being of students and staff. Teaching for biliteracy solidifies a Spanish
As a result of this workshop, participants will foundation in order to more successfully build
understand: English language acquisition. As a result of this
class, participants will learn how to engage in
• Legal protections available under the a bridge between Spanish and English, with a
Americans with Disabilities Act, the New strategic focus on the metalinguistic contrastive
Jersey Law Against Discrimination, and analysis. Participants will be engaged in a highly
other state and federal laws that relate interactive and dynamic series of learning
to mental health for students and staff scenarios wherein they will be taught, and then
members; engage in the essentials of teaching for biliteracy.
• Employee rights related to medical leave
for themselves and family members
addressing mental health issues; Debunking the ‘Youth Rite of
• The due process rights and procedural Passage’ Mentality — How Schools
requirements related to excluding a student Are Addressing Marijuana, the
or staff member due to known or suspected
mental health issues; Vaping Epidemic and Other Emerging
• The impact of adverse childhood Challenges Related to Drug and
experiences on mental health; Alcohol Use
• Resources and best practices for effectively May 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
addressing mental health issues; and Fee: $150
• The requirements to proactively engage in Speakers will include:
an interactive process once an employer
becomes aware that an employee may be Lori Todd, President, ASAPNJ
suffering from mental health issues. David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
James Sarto, Ed.S., NJ Leaders to Leaders
Corrective Action Plans and Program Coordinator
Diane Litterer, Executive Director, NJ
Progressive Supervision Prevention Network
Apr. 30, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Dr. Wayne Yankus, past president of the New
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Jersey Chapter of the American Academy of
Director; Nancy Richmond, Ed.D., FEA Pediatrics
Consultant Alysa Regenye, Student Assistance
Fee: $150 Counselor, Wall Township High School
TEACHNJ has rewritten the rules on tenure and With special remote presentations by:
evaluation, and there is an emerging body of Alex Berenson, former New York TImes
case law on what constitutes a legally defensible investigative reporter and author of “Tell
corrective action plan, as well as the other Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana,
aspects of progressive supervision that are now Mental Illness, and Violence”
expected. This hands-on workshop will provide Dr. Steven Laviolette, University of Western
participants with concrete strategies and Ontario and researcher on the impact of
templates to use in addressing staff members cannabis use on emotional processing,
proactively through progressive supervision, in memory formation, and cognitive regulation.
order to reduce the need to impose corrective
action plans. Participants will learn how to Thomas Vega, Massachusetts Prevention
have necessary, but uncomfortable discussions Alliance
with staff members about areas in need of This workshop focuses on student health and
improvement. Participants will also learn about wellness and on empowering student assistance
the essential elements of corrective action coordinators, administrators, school nurses and
plans and the necessary steps to take to follow other stakeholders to create a more informed
through on their implementation. school community. It will include an overview
of legal requirements related to addressing
student drug and alcohol use, with a special
focus on vaping and marijuana use. Participants
will gain a deeper understanding of the impact
of adolescent marijuana use on health and
wellness, academic achievement and adolescent