Page 16 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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• Essential Elements to Include in Board School Security: Evolving
Policies and Procedures
• Practical Considerations — What is Challenges and Opportunities
Reasonable? Mar. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
Hot Issues in School Law Content Development; Thomas Gambino,
Mar. 19, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Ed.D., Education Program Development
Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL Specialist, NJDOE Office of School
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and Preparedness and Emergency Planning;
Content Development Jeff Gale, School Security Specialist,
NJDOE Office of School Preparedness and
Fee: $150 Emergency Planning
This workshop will address current developments Fee: $150
in a variety of legal issues, including HIB case
law and legislative issues, TEACHNJ regulations This program is designed to provide training on
and Arbitration Decisions, student safety, how to deal with one of the biggest challenges
recent legislative enactments, social media, First facing building administrators today-keeping your
Amendment rights and responsibilities, and other students and staff safe. expert advice, checklists,
current and ongoing school law topics. strategies and response measures,will be present-
ed from the perspective of law enforcement and
school administration.
Feedback Strategies to Advance Some topics covered will be: preparing for a safe
Teacher Success in Science: How to school environment, current trends in school
Speak About the Three-Dimensional shootings, security drills, threat assessment,
sharing of info, physical security assessments of
Learning of the NGSS to Improve schools, current NJ school security task force rec-
Instruction (PSEL Standards 4 and 6) ommendations, dealing with management teams,
Mar. 20, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA response, positive school climate, countering
violent extremism, and returning to normalcy.
Presenter: Kim Feltre, K-12 Supervisor/MS
STEM Supervisor, Hillsborough Township Participants will also learn about the latest
Public Schools efforts of the FBI to collaborate with districts to
enhance school safety.
Fee: $149
Three-dimensional feedback is critical for helping
teachers grow in their ability to plan instruction The Real Role of the School
and assessment that meets the intent of the Climate Team (PSEL Standards 3, 5,
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). and 6)
See how leaders can provide targeted, science-
specific feedback to teachers using some simple Mar. 25, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
techniques for gathering evidence. Participants Presenter: Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant
will walk away with techniques for collecting Fee: $149
evidence of the three dimensions of the NGSS School Climate Teams are required “to develop,
during observations, as well as strategies foster, and maintain a positive school climate."
to engage teachers in three-dimensional This is an ongoing and systemic process. Is your
conversations to advance teacher understanding school reinventing its School Climate Team?
of how to implement and assess the NGSS. Adding new members? This program will focus
Participants will discuss how these techniques can on the essential conversations for a positive and
be cultivated with administrative teams in an effort effective SCT.
to collectively and consistently provide feedback
aimed at science-specific teacher growth. • What does the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
say about the role of the School Climate
English Language Learners Summit: • What is school climate? How does it relate
Opportunities for ELLS to Excel! to academic achievement and to school
(PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, 6) attendance?
This session is offered in collaboration with • What data should our School Climate Team
NJTESOL/NJBE and is sponsored by FEA and collect and analyze?
LEGAL ONE • How do we develop an action plan?
Mar. 21, 2019; 9 am – 3 pm at FEA • Why is our School Climate Team's work
Fee: $149 foundational in creating a climate that
supports the highest levels of student and
This full-day summit will address a wide range adult learning?
of emerging best practices and legal issues
for English Language Learners. Topics to be
covered will include: HIB and Discipline for Students
• Exceptional ELLs: Special Education and With Disabilities
Gifted/Talented Education
• Parent/Community Engagement Mar. 26, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
• Arts and Arts Integration Presenter: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Coordinator for Online Course Development
• Dual Language Fee: $150
• Advocacy for ELL Programs This session will provide a detailed explanation of
• Sheltered Instruction the particular procedures which must be followed
• Civil Rights when a special education student is disciplined,
and will include a review of recent USDOE
guidance that significantly changes how districts
need to address this issue. Participants will gain a
deeper understanding of the relationship between