Page 13 - PDCalWinter2019-web
P. 13

Intervention and Referral           Participants will be provided with resources and
     Services: The Next Generation           best practices for addressing chronic absenteeism.
                                             Participants will also be provided with strategies
     (PSEL Standards 3, 5, and 10)           for conducting residency investigations.
     Mar. 5, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
     at Brick Township PD Center
     Presenter: Gary Vermeire, FEA Consultant   Grant Writing 101: Innovation on a
     Fee: $149                               Lean Budget (PSEL Standards 1, 4, 9, 10 )
     This activity-based session is designed to provide   Mar. 7, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
     I&RS team members and school staff responsible   at Brick Township PD Center
     for I&RS with specific concepts, tools, techniques,   Presenter: Marc Natanagara, Ed.D., Assistant
     and practice in assessing and addressing stu-  Superintendent, Toms River Regional Schools
     dents’ learning, behavior and health difficulties,   Fee: $149
     consistent with the New Jersey Department of   In nearly every workshop describing school
     Education’s Tiered System of Supports. Emphasis   initiatives, audience questions inevitably turn
     will be placed on collaborative consultation and   to finances: “The idea sounds great, but how
     strategies and techniques for using objective data,   can my budget support it?” Funding everything
     school and community resources, and creativity in   from classroom projects to large scale initiatives
     problem solving and planning I&RS cases. There   will always be a challenge, but hundreds of
     will be a focus on applying structure and system-  millions of dollars in grants from hundreds of
     atic procedures to the coordinated planning and   sources are awarded every year to those with a
     delivery of effective programs of I&RS.   need who know how to write them and take the
                                             time to apply.
         Culturally Relevant Instruction     In this workshop, participants will:
     and Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 & 4)     •  locate sources of grants
                                               •  explore how to write grants that get
     Mar. 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA            attention
     Presenters: Tom Barclay, FEA Consultant;   •  discuss examples of initiatives
     George Guy, FEA Consultant                •  dissect previously awarded grants
     Fee: $149                                 •  identify parameters, commitments, and
     The always changing cultural landscape of New   limitations that everyone should know
     Jersey's student population necessitates that   •  discover common points among all grants
     NJ educational leaders maintain a focus on   that make writing them easier the more
     Culturally Relevant Instruction and work diligently   you apply
     to assure that all school personnel are aware of   •  learn how to leverage a successful grant to
     and are implementing such practices regularly   apply for others
     and effectively. The particular focus of this   •  plan the sustainability of programs after the
     workshop, apart from learning about Culturally   grant period
     Relevant Practices as educational leaders, is to   •  practice working with media, both social
     learn strategies and processes to create, monitor   and traditional, in the service of grants
     and improve our practice, such that students of   In addition to engaging in these activities,
     all cultures may have the playing field leveled   participants will leave with a well structured
     and that they are able to thrive academically,   outline of an actual grant application.
     physically, and socially. In this session, participants   Target Audience: PreK-12 Administrators,
     will: (1) understand the cultural makeup of their   Teachers, and Finance Personnel
     school or district; (2) reflect on what practices
     might be in place already; (3) learn characteristics
     of culturally relevant instruction; (4) reflect again,   Medal of Honor Character
     with more information, on practices that are in   Development Program, Grades 6 to 12
     place in their school or district; (5) learn strategies   (PSEL Standard 4)
     to create, monitor, and improve instruction for
     students of all cultures.               Mar. 7, 2019; 9 am - 2 pm at FEA
                                             Presenters: National Medal of Honor
            Attendance, Residency, and       Foundation and Medal of Honor Recipient
                                             Fee: No Cost and schools can be reimbursed
     Homelessness Issues                     for cost of substitute teachers
     Mar. 7, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA        Register at and
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   click “Events”
     Director; Diahann DeRuggiero, MSW,      FEA is proud to bring back this nationally-
     M.Ed., NJDOE McKinney-Vento Program     recognized program for secondary educators.
     Coordinator - Northern Region           Hear the heroic story directly from a Medal
     Fee: $150                               of Honor recipient. This session also provides
     This workshop will provide information about the   educators with the tools they need to bring the
     legal requirements pertaining to student atten-  Medal of Honor Program into their classrooms.
     dance, residency and homelessness issues —    This extensive curriculum, which uses the oral
     including what constitutes excused absences,   histories of Medal of Honor recipients, focuses
     legally required steps for developing attendance   on values and how students can use these
     improvement plans and when to involve the court   example of courage, commitment, sacrifice,
     system. Participants will also gain an understand-  integrity, citizenship, and patriotism to influence
     ing of how to properly determine residency,   change in their own school communities.
     including forms of documentation to be consid-  Teachers and administrators from middle
     ered, the rights of students not residing with their   and high school and across all disciplines are
     parents or legal guardians, and the due process   encouraged to attend.
     involved when there is a dispute over student res-
     idency. Legal issues including eligibility, resources
     and services available to homeless students will
     also be addressed.
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