Page 8 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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will be presented with essential skills and this occurs, and understanding what reasonable
information for developing and carrying out accommodations may be required to address
effective HIB investigation plans, including staff members dealing with mental health issues.
interviewing and questioning techniques and
strategies for managing complex investigations.
Additional topics to be addressed include related Section 504 Explained
statutes, regulations and case law, due process Feb. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
of law, incident reporting, parent involvement, Presenter: Jessika Kleen, Esq., Machado Law
special circumstances (e.g., staff or administrators Group
as alleged offenders), record keeping and
student privacy, handling evidence, technology Fee: $150
issues, reports of HIB off school grounds, and This session will provide a detailed explanation
coordination with law enforcement officials. of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 as it relates to school districts. Topics will
include district responsibilities, due process
Advanced HIB Investigation requirements and procedural safeguards,
Techniques preventing and preparing for litigation,
Feb. 7, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA parent/student rights, as well as exploring
the differences between 504 eligibility and
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL classification and eligibility and classification
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and under the IDEA.
Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
Three Corners Law Enforcement
Fee: $150 Up the Bar With Sheltered English
This workshop will include advanced HIB (PSEL Standards 3 and 4)
investigation techniques, including handwriting Feb. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
analysis, understanding body language, writing Presenters: Susana Matos-Kruck, President,
reports, and conducting interviews, with Up the Bar Consulting, LLC
intensive use of role plays and scenarios. Fee: $149
Dealing with Difficult Students: English language learners (ELLs) compel teach-
Social-Emotional Learning Made Easy ers to consider how their students can succeed
With the Prosocial Matrix (two day in the delicate balancing act of acquiring both
content and language. Engaging in the process
series) (PSEL Standards 3 and 5) of sheltered English instructional scaffolds,
Day 2 - Feb. 7, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA teachers learn to thoughtfully plan their lessons
(Lunch at 1 pm) complete with visuals, meaningful tasks, and
Presenter: Phil Tenaglia, School Psychologist, effective learning strategies in a culturally re-
Hamilton Township Schools and Family sponsive and collaborative environment. Teach-
Therapist, Growth Opportunity Center, ers of ELLs become stronger, more creative, and
Southampton, PA more competent as they rise to the challenge of
Fee: $75 creating equitable access to education for all of
their students. As they experience the sheltered
Day 2 On day one you have been shown and English instructional scaffolds, participants will
experienced how to introduce the Matrix to emerge with a renewed appreciation for the
get things up and running. You have also richness that results from cultural diversity.
experienced how it can make a difference for
you and those you serve. Giving you some time
to use the Matrix process with students and New Jersey Special Education
staff, we return to continue to deepen your Annual Summit: Teaching, Learning,
understanding, move past sticking points you
experience, and address implementation issues and Leading in an Inclusive World
while continuing to practice. (PSEL Standards 3, 4, and 5)
In part two, you will receive coaching, feedback Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and Public
and support while also building collaboration Consulting Group
and shared purposes with your colleagues. Feb. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Together we will discover and share what
works… and have some fun. Keynote Presenters: Dr. Lee Ann Jung, Clinical
Professor at San Diego State University; Dr.
Judy Elliott, former Chief Academic Officer of
Addressing Staff Mental the Los Angeles Unified School District
Health Issues Fee: $149
Feb. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm Creating an inclusive educational setting is
at Moorestown Township Public Schools a complex and multifaceted process that is
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE central to teaching, learning and leading. In this
session, join state leaders and national experts
Director; George Scott, Ed.S, LMFT, LEGAL to learn more about the key issues connected to
ONE Consultant this process including:
Fee: $150 • Developing a Climate and Culture of Shared
When staff members are struggling with mental Responsibility
health issues, school districts face a series of • Making the Standards Accessible to
complex legal, medical and educational issues. Students at Varying Instructional Levels
This workshop will provide clear guidance on the • Let’s Start with the Little Ones- Inclusive
signs to look for when a staff member is dealing Early Childhood Programs
with mental health issues, strategies for assisting • Person Centered Planning
staff members, key steps to take in documenting • The Transformational Model: Special
any changes in behavior and their impact on staff Education Data Driven Decision Making
performance and student safety, when and how • Inclusion, Leadership, and the Law
to require staff members to be sent for mental • Leading Through MTSS
health evaluations and procedures to use when