Page 9 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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For additional details and speaker information, How to Investigate HIB Claims
visit Feb. 19, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
Understanding State and Federal ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
Guidance on Student Discipline Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
Feb. 13, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Three Corners Law Enforcement
Fee: $150
Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Director The one-day training will provide participants with
practical information and skills for implementing
Fee: $150 the HIB investigation requirements in the Anti-
This workshop, which serves as Day Two of Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Participants will be
the Code of Conduct Certificate Program, will presented with essential skills and information
provide participants with a deep understanding for developing and carrying out effective HIB
of the most recent guidance on student investigation plans, including interviewing
discipline from the N.J. and U.S. Departments and questioning techniques and strategies for
of Education, including legal requirements managing complex investigations. Additional
related to identifying and addressing disparities topics to be addressed include related statutes,
in discipline, restraining students, sharing regulations and case law, due process of law,
information with law enforcement, dealing with incident reporting, parent involvement, special
conduct away from school grounds, addressing circumstances (e.g., staff or administrators
bias-related acts, and responding to discipline as alleged offenders), record keeping and
for students with disabilities. student privacy, handling evidence, technology
issues, reports of HIB off school grounds, and
Improving Instructional Systems coordination with law enforcement officials.
and Supports for Mathematics
Within the New Jersey Tiered Strategies and Accommodation for
System of Supports Framework Students With Tourette Syndrome,
(PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, and 10) ADHD, OCD, Learning Disabilities, and
Day 2 - Feb. 14, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Associated Disorders (PSEL Standards
Day 3 - Mar. 27, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA 5, 6, and 10)
Presenter: Paul Riccomini Ph.D., Associate Feb. 19, 2019; 9 am - noon at FEA
Professor of Education, Penn State College Presenters: Dr. Robert Zambrano Psy.D,
of Education Center for Cognitive Behavior Therapy;
Fee: $149 per day Patricia Phillips, Education Outreach
The purpose of this Professional Learning Series is Coordinator, NJ Center for Tourette
to identify the core principles of effective mathe- Syndrome and Associated Disorders
matics programs focusing primarily on the impor- Fee: $75
tance of curricula and instructional supports within In this workshop, participants will learn about
the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports frame- the symptoms, possible causes, diagnosis and
work. Administrators and educators are seeking treatments for Tourette Syndrome and its asso-
guidance on how best to improve the mathemat- ciated disorders — Attention Deficit Hyperac-
ics performance of ALL students through the Core tivity Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,
Mathematics Program and Interventions. The PD learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, etc. A
series will highlight the challenges of increasing key component of the workshop will focus on
achievement in mathematics and steps educators, effective strategies and accommodations to use
school-based leaders, and district leaders, can take inside and outside the classroom. Reviewing the
to respond accordingly. Dr. Paul Riccomini draws implications of a diagnosis of Tourette Syn-
upon the most currently available research-based drome and related disorders, and how they affect
evidence for teaching mathematics to struggling academic performance, including IEP and 504
students and students with disabilities. plan considerations will be part of the workshop
Series Highlights: discussion. Recommendations on helpful modifi-
• Overview of the NJTSS to address the cations and interventions strategies for behavior
disparities in student performance; management will also be addressed.
• How the “deficit” paradigm contributes to The workshop is geared towards school
low expectations for students with diverse administrators and faculty/staff.
educational needs;
• The critical elements necessary for a
successful core mathematics program; Transforming Schools Through the
• How to select and utilize a universal Power of the Arts: Embracing the
screener to evaluate the effectiveness of a
core mathematics program; Arts - A Pathway to Well-Rounded
• What administrators and teachers need Education (PSEL Standards 3, 4, and 5)
to know about interventions and effective Sponsored by FEA and Arts Ed NJ
mathematics instruction; Feb. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
• How administrators and teachers can learn
about and incorporate such practices in Presenters: Rose Acerra, NJPTA; Vincent
their work; DeLucia, NJSBA; Adrienne Hill, Hedgepeth
• Strategies for implementation of these Williams Middle School of the Arts; Bob
components into a coherent Tiered System Morrison, Arts Ed NJ; Diana Pasculli, NJDOE;
of Supports. David Wish, Little Kids Rock
Fee: $149
The arts, as a core curricular area, are a mean-
ingful component of the Every Student Succeeds
Act. Learn more about the opportunities to
include the arts as an important dimension of