Page 14 - PDCalWinter2019-web
P. 14
Social Media and Cyberbullying Investigating Discrimination
Issues in Schools Claims
Mar. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm Mar. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
at Brick Township PD Center Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., Director; Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners
LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Law Enforcement; Rebecca Gold, Former
Research and Content Development; Director of Personnel and Administrative
Joseph Ventre, CISSP, CIO & Founder, Services, Lawrence Township Fee: $150
Fee: $150 When allegations of discrimination are made
This session will address the legal issues involving school employees or students,
that arise when students, staff, and parents it’s essential that the matter is investigated
use social media. Issues to be discussed will promptly, effectively and legally. This workshop
include cyberbullying, student and staff First will provide you with the tools you need to
Amendment rights, using social media to develop and carry out investigation plans,
screen job applicants, and legally permissible including strategies for gathering and reviewing
uses of social media. It will include the latest documents, questioning techniques to help you
national research on the use of social media get to the truth and a review of procedural steps
and best practices for promoting responsible that must be taken. Participants will receive
use. Participants will gain an understanding model templates and sample investigation
of the latest trends in cyberbullying and the reports, learn how to develop and carry out an
most effective strategies available for school investigation action plan, learn from prior case
leaders, educators, parents and students. There law and review real world scenarios.
will be a review of the latest case law involving
cyberbullying and social media use by students
and staff members. This session will provide WEBINAR
tips for promoting responsible social media use You Can't Make This $#!&! Up!
by students, parents and staff. Participants will School Law Horror Stories and
learn how social media sites provide built-in
security settings and explain how they work. Lessons to Be Learned
Mar. 12, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Sustaining Teacher Leadership Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director
Within a District-Wide System of Personnel and Administrative Services,
(PSEL Standards 6 and 7) Lawrence Township
Mar. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Fee: $40
Presenters: Ted Peters, Principal; and Jamie Fact is often stranger than fiction. That is
Doldan, Supervisor Franklin Township School certainly true when it comes to many legal
District issues that arise in public schools. In this webinar
Fee: $149 participants will learn about some of the most
outrageous and legally damaging cases involving
Your school or district has incorporated teacher public schools and the lessons that should
leaders, now what? Learn how to integrate and be learned to avoid such issues in the future.
empower teacher leaders to optimize school Participants will understand the fundamental
and district overall structures and performance. checks and balances that should be in place in
Empowering teacher leaders to sit at the table and all school districts to minimize legal exposure for
have a voice is what true teacher leadership inte- you individually and for your school district.
gration means. In addition to learning about the
components of the Teacher Leader Standards, this
session will provide relevant and ready to imple- New Jersey Leadership Academy
ment, application-based methods and structures (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, and 6)
to support and sustain teacher leadership.
Series 5, Cohort 9 at FEA
LEADing Toward the Future
Crisis Communications: Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA
Keeping Up in an Ever-changing Fee: $450 for the series
World of Instant Communication The current class of kindergarteners will
(PSEL Standard 8) graduate in 2031. How are we, as instructional
Mar. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA leaders, building the capacity of all educators
Presenters: Lori Perlow, President, NJ School to support student learning in the immediate
Public Relations Association, and Adam future while building out the connections
Weiss, Partner, Busch Law Group to prepare them for success when they
graduate in 12 years? How do we create an
Fee: $149 educational infrastructure that models the
With technology at everyone’s fingertips, actions and behaviors that students will need
it’s imperative that school personnel have a to work in collaborative environments, accept
clear understanding of the impact of instant responsibility for their decisions, build cultural
communications, especially in times of crisis. This competencies for living in an increasingly
full-day workshop covers the phases of crisis diverse world, and instill a mindset that
communications with real examples to illustrate embraces curiosity, creativity and innovation?
each. Best practices and case studies for working Today’s leaders are tasked with leading learning
with local authorities and communicating with environments in their districts that connect
key stakeholders will be reviewed. The legal today’s knowledge development with the
perspective will be provided throughout to knowledge and skills that will be needed in
insure school personnel are communicating the future. Participants will engage in activities
responsibly and in the best interest of the district. and dialogue to explore strategies over the
Participants will engage in practice role play following three days:
scenarios to apply what they learn. Day 1: Developing Socially and Emotionally