Page 17 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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NJ’s Anti-bullying law, the NJ Law Against      Section 504 Explained
     Discrimination, IDEA, and Section 504.  Apr. 2, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at Egg Harbor
     Participants will learn about recent changes   Township Public School District
     to New Jersey Administrative Code regarding
     students with disabilities and HIB, including how   Presenter: Jessika Kleen, Esq., Machado Law
     to address issues involving students attending   Group
     approved private schools for students with   Fee: $150
     disabilities.                           This session will provide a detailed explanation
                                             of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
           The Principal/AP/VP's Survival    as it relates to school districts. Topics will include
                                             district responsibilities, due process requirements
     Guide!                                  and procedural safeguards, preventing and
     Mar. 28, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       preparing for litigation, parent/student rights, as
     Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   well as exploring the differences between 504
     Director; James Sarto, Ed.S., NJ Leaders to   eligibility and classification and eligibility and
     Leaders Program Coordinator             classification under the IDEA.
     Fee: $150
     Novice, experienced, and veteran principals    Advanced HIB Investigation
     and assistant principals! How can we possibly   Techniques
     remember everything? Time goes by, students,   Apr. 2, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     staff, community, process, procedures, and most
     importantly… educational law changes. This may   Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
     be the refresher session you have been waiting   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
     for. Join us as we focus on basic “I Should   Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
     Already Know That” information, as well as:   Three Corners Law Enforcement
      •  Daily school operations, duties, and   Fee: $150
        responsibilities                     This workshop will include advanced HIB
      •  Case studies on student accountability  investigation techniques, including handwriting
      •  Smoking v. Vaping v. Drug Policies  analysis, understanding body language, writing
                                             reports, and conducting interviews, with
      •  Contracts and Job Descriptions      intensive use of role plays and scenarios.
      •  Tenure and Bumping Rights
      •  Tips, Suggestions, and Time Saving Exercises   Writing Effective HIB Reports
      •  Search and Seizure                  Apr. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
      •  Due Process – Releasing Staff Members
        from Their Positions                 Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
                                             ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
      •  Student Safety                      Content Development
      •  Common Sense!                       Fee: $150
      •  Document, Document, Document!       Proper documentation is a critical aspect of
      •  It’s Always Been Done That Way, How   every HIB investigation. This workshop will
        Should I Know It Was Illegal?!"      provide a framework for writing HIB reports
                                             and properly documenting all aspects of HIB
                                             investigations. Participants will review sample
     April                                   reports that are well written and poorly written,
                                             identify the elements of effective report
                                             writing, review sample scenarios and real-
                                             world incidents, and practice writing reports.
     Making Literacy Learning Visible        The session will include a review of the role
     Institute (PSEL Standards 4 and 6)      of witnesses, alleged targets and victims,
     Sponsored by FEA and NJASCD             parents, Anti-Bullying Specialist, Anti-Bullying
                                             Coordinator, school principal, superintendent,
     Apr. 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA        board of education and school attorney.
     Presenter: Doug Fisher                  Participants will also review HIB records under
     Fee: $165                               FERPA, and will understand the parameters of
     Register at              student confidentiality. Challenges unique to
                                             both small and large districts will be reviewed,
     This institute will provide:            as well as challenges that come when incidents
      •  A focus on best instructional practices for   occur off school grounds and on social media.
        literacy grounded in the best seller, Visible
        Learning for Literacy by John Hattie, Doug
        Fisher, & Nancy Frey;                    The Connected Action Roadmap:
      •  Tools educators need to implement literacy  A Systemic Process for School
        practices that ensure students demonstrate   Improvement (PSEL Standards 4, 7,
        progress;                            and 10)
      •  “Visible-by- design” practices for teachers
        and students resulting from clear purpose,   Apr. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
        right timing, and a tangible effect;  Presenters: Donna McInerney, CEO, FEA;
      •  A complimentary copy of the book, Visible   Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional
        Learning for Literacy.               Learning, FEA; Emil Carafa, Coordinator of
     Attendees will learn:                   Professional Learning, FEA
                                             Fee: $149
      •  How to use the right approach at the right
        time;                                Improving student learning and strengthening
                                             teacher practice require a systemic and
      •  The most effective routines;        sustainable process, driven by the collaborative
      •  Eight mind frames for educators to apply to   work of PLCs and shared leadership. The
        curriculum planning                  Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) provides a
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