Page 20 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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Hiring, Recruitment, These workshops are for the non-math adminis-
Replacements, and the Law trator who wants to give math teachers construc-
tive feedback that will help them grow profession-
Apr. 16, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA ally. You will become an expert in how students
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE should be learning math and how teachers should
Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director design lessons to support the use of math prac-
of Personnel and Administrative Services, tices in the classroom. An opportunity to practice
Lawrence Township your new skills will also be provided. Join us for
Fee: $150 one or both of these days:
This workshop will review the role of the Day 1 will focus on Math Practices 1, 6, 7, 8:
affirmative action officer, superintendent, • Make sense of problems and persevere in
director of human resources and other solving them
administrators in the recruitment and hiring • Attend to precision
process. It will provide a framework for school • Look for and make use of structure
districts for recruiting a diverse pool of highly • Look for and express regularity in repeated
qualified candidates, establishing legally reasoning
defensible procedures for responding to
recommendations from board of education Day 2 will focus on Math Practices 2, 3, 4, 5:
members and others, conducting interviews • Reason abstractly and quantitatively
and making hiring decisions, addressing the • Construct viable arguments and critique the
practical and legal issues that arise when reasoning of others
replacing existing staff on a short or long- • Model with mathematics
term basis, and ensuring that appropriate
procedures are in place when considering • Use appropriate tools strategically
internal candidates for promotions. Participants
will have the opportunity to practice conducting
interviews and responding to issues that may Advanced Workplace
arise in the recruitment and hiring process. Investigation Techniques
Apr. 18, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Developing Socially and Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
Emotionally Healthy Students Content Development; Rebecca Gold, Former
(PSEL Standards 3 and 5) Director of Personnel and Administrative
Apr. 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Services, Lawrence Township
Presenter: Bob Price, FEA Consultant Fee: $150
Fee: $149 Conducting a comprehensive investigation incor-
porating key elements of an Investigation Plan.
Schools, along with families and the community, Topics to be discussed include: essential facts,
are key to children successfully navigating healthy keys to success, identifying issues, gathering
relationships in an ever-changing society. Social information, special considerations, conducting
and Emotional Learning must be at the heart interviews, confidentiality, and documentation.
of ensuring that each student feels safe in their
environment and has the interpersonal skills to
collaborate with peers and adults. In this session, WEBINAR
participants will: (1) define the purpose of Social
and Emotional Learning (SEL) and its connection What’s New in School Law?
to school climate, student growth, and the Apr. 23, 2019; noon - 1:10 pm
success of all learners; (2) understand the research Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE
and competencies that are the foundation Coordinator for Online Course Development;
for implementing effective SEL programs and Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel
practices; (3) identify strengths and weaknesses and Administrative Services, Lawrence
of current practices and programs to create Township
next steps for strengthening SEL integration; (4) Fee: $40
consider strategies for infusing SEL throughout
and across the curriculum; (5) create a toolbox of This webinar will address the most recent
processes and structure. federal and state case law developments,
legislative enactments and regulatory changes
which impact school district operations.
Is Math Instruction Really Supposed
to Look Like That? (PSEL Standards 4 Dyslexia: Impact on Learning and
and 6) Effective Strategies (PSEL Standards 3,
Day 1: Apr. 18, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA 6 and 10)
Day 2: May 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Apr. 24, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Presenters: Deborah Droke, Director of Presenter: Dr. Jane Petrozzino, FEA Consultant
Instruction Mathematics and Science,
Northern Burlington Regional School Fee: $149
District; Dorian Giorgio, FEA Consultant This professional development workshop is
Fee: $149 each day designed specifically for educators who are
required to fulfill two hours of instruction on
Did you ever walk out of a math classroom and screening, intervention, accommodations,
wonder how am I going to give constructive and the use of technology for students with
feedback to help this math teacher? Maybe the reading disabilities, including dyslexia. The
teacher cares immensely about the students, comprehensive nature of this workshop will
but the students are completely disengaged. provide educators with an in-depth analysis of
Maybe the teacher is brilliant but can’t relate dyslexia, its effects on learning, and classroom
to students and quite honestly intimidates you. strategies using evidence-based interventions. It
You don’t have to be a math content expert in will focus on early identification of the disorder
order to recognize what good math instruction by recognizing key features, diagnosis based on
should be. specific areas of assessment, and research-based