Page 18 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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coherent approach to curriculum, instruction, Legally Compliant IEPs
assessment and school climate that builds a
common language and understanding and Apr. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
shifts the focus of educators from compliance Presenter: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL
and programs to process and effective practices. ONE Consultant
Endorsed by the NJ Department of Education Fee: $150
and the leading educational organizations across This workshop will provide an in-depth expla-
the state, the CAR framework is currently being nation of what courts expect to see in IEPs. Key
used by teams of educators from across the state components in IEPs that can render them both
to develop curriculum and instructional tools in legally and technically sound, most notably the
ELA and Math, that will be shared by the NJDOE Present Level of Academic Achievement and
for use in the 2019-20 school year. Come to this Functional Performance (PLAFP) and the goals
session to learn how these tools can strengthen and objectives sections, will be identified. This
teaching and learning across your school/district. session will focus on combining best practices
with educational strategies that are reasonable
Paraprofessionals Working With and practical for child study teams to utilize
every day.
Students with Disabilities: A Session
for Paraprofessionals to Explore School Climate for Adults:
Their Critical Role in the Education It Matters (PSEL Standard 7)
of Students With Disabilities (PSEL Apr. 9, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
Standards 6 and 9) at Brick Township PD Center
Apr. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Presenters: Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant
Presenter: Barbara Gantwerk, NJPSA/FEA Fee: $149
Coordinator of Special Projects Problems with adult to adult relationships in
Fee: $149 school are often swept under the carpet. Yet,
As districts engage more paraprofessionals to this set of relationships can make or break your
support students with disabilities, it is important school's goal of creating a positive learning
to provide meaningful professional learning environment for students. Adult interactions
opportunities for these individuals who are often also greatly impact a school's capacity to pro-
serving our students with the most significant mote the highest levels of student academic
needs. This is a program designed specifically success. In this workshop, you will reflect on the
for paraprofessionals working with students with adult relationships within your school; explore
disabilities in all educational settings. The session the causes of toxic adult to adult relationships;
will address critical issues in the provision of ser- learn tools to support the development of clear
vices by paraprofessionals including: the role and expectations for professional behavior; con-
function of the paraprofessional, ethical respon- sider the relationship between SEL instruction
sibilities, communication issues and educational for students and adult modeling of SEL skills,
practices. We will specifically address commu- and consider ways to create a strong sense of
nication between the paraprofessionals and the professionalism through collaboration.
adults in the child’s life. Specific attention is paid
to the need for the development of independent
behavior and the exercise of choice for students WEBINAR
with disabilities and how paraprofessional can Student Field Trips: Legal
plan educational activities to foster this behav-
ior. There are hands on activities to engage the Requirements and Best Practices
learners and follow up activities to apply the skills Apr. 9, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
address. Come and meet with paraprofessionals Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
from districts across the state to address the Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director
changing and important role of the paraprofes- of Personnel and Administrative Services,
sional in supporting students with disabilities. Lawrence Township
Fee: $40
Student field trips provide an invaluable
Social Media, Schools, opportunity to expand student learning beyond
and the Law the school, but also raise numerous potential
Apr. 5, 2019; 10 am - 1 pm legal/safety issues. Do we need a school nurse?
at Cherry Hill Public Library What constitutes sufficient staff supervision? What
happens if a student is injured? What if a student
Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL needs to be searched? What rules apply when
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and we are out of state or country? In this session
Content Development participants will gain a deeper understanding of
Fee: $75 key legal considerations that should be addressed
This session will address the legal issues that now, before potential problems arise.
arise when students, staff, and parents use
social media. Issues to be addressed will
include cyberbullying, student and staff First Student Records and
Amendment rights, using social media to screen Public Records
job applicants, and legally permissible uses of Apr. 10, 2019; 9:00 am - noon at FEA
social media. It will include the latest national
research on the use of social media and best Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
practices for promoting responsible use. ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
Content Development
Fee: $75
This workshop will address the parameters of
student confidentiality, focusing on complex
issues such as HIB, drug and alcohol use, teen
pregnancy, health information, family history,