Page 10 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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student learning. This session will help school   process hearing. Topics to be discussed include:
     and district leaders to better understand how a   Differences between filing for mediation and due
     consistent commitment to arts education leads   process; stay-put issues; what is required during
     to positive school climate, family and community   the 30 day resolution period; new procedures
     engagement, as well as students’ academic and   with respect to initial hearing date/settlement
     social-emotional development. This is an oppor-  conferences; pre-trial orders; expert witnesses/
     tunity to learn directly from both practitioners and   expert reports; discovery and preparing for due
     researchers about the impact of arts learning.  process; preparing to testify; post-trial briefs;
                                             appeals; and prevailing party and attorneys’
         Teams: Personality Types, Collective   fees. Target Audience - Directors/Supervisors of
                                             Special Education, school law attorneys
     Intelligence and Managing With
     Emotional Intelligence (PSEL Standards          Transgender Student Rights:
     2, 6, and 7)                            Implementing New Jersey's Latest
     Feb. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Guidance
     Presenter: Marcella Segala, Certified   Feb. 25, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Executive Coach, CPCC
     Fee: $149                               Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
                                             Director; Robyn Gigl, Esq., Gluck Walrath LLP
     Great teams that display great teamwork don't   Fee: $150
     just happen. Join a coaching conversation during
     which we'll explore team chemistry where the   It is critical that all New Jersey school districts
     combined elements are the personality styles of   understand and effectively implement the latest
     each individual. By understanding their character-  guidance from the New Jersey Department of
     istics you'll learn how to better manage them and   Education regarding transgender student rights.
     expand the collective intelligence of your team.   This workshop will review legal requirements
     We’ll explore the Six Conditions for team effec-  in the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination,
     tiveness and how to influence them to shape the   the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, other recently
     team’s performance. We will incorporate the key   adopted statutes and regulations and case law.
     competencies of emotional intelligence and how   It will include a discussion of:
     to apply them in your organization to facilitate   •  The latest research regarding transgender
     more dynamic results. Come prepared to share   students
     examples of team performance (good and bad)   •  Understanding how to identify and
     from your personal experience.              address the needs of transgender students
                                                 experiencing suicidal ideation, substance
                                                 abuse, mental health issues
        School Security: Evolving              •  Revising student records (including student
                                                 transcripts, report cards, IEPs, etc.)
     Challenges and Opportunities              •  Ensuring proper use of preferred student
     Sponsored by LEGAL ONE and TMI Education    name and pronoun
     Feb. 21, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at Ramapo College  •  Addressing the issue of parental consent
     Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL         (or lack thereof)
     ONE Director; Thomas Gambino, Ed.D.,      •  Addressing the issue of parental notice
     Education Program Development Specialist,   regarding a child's transgender status
     NJDOE Office of School Preparedness and   •  Providing access to locker rooms and
     Emergency Planning                          restrooms
     Fee: $139                                 •  Addressing students, staff members and/or
                                                 parents who express religious objections or
     Register at:           otherwise object to transgender students;
     This program is designed to provide training on   •  Addressing potential HIB issues related to
     how to deal with one of the biggest challenges   gender identity or expression.
     facing building administrators today-keeping
     your students and staff safe. Expert advice,
     checklists, strategies and response measures,   The Connected Action Roadmap:
     will be presented from the perspective of law   A Systemic Process for School
     enforcement and school administration.   Improvement (PSEL Standards 4, 7,
     Some topics covered will be: preparing for a safe
     school environment, current trends in school   and 10)
     shootings, security drills, threat assessment,   Feb. 25, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     sharing of info, physical security assessments   Presenters: Donna McInerney, CEO, FEA;
     of schools, current NJ school security task force   Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional
     recommendations, dealing with management   Learning, FEA; Emil Carafa, Coordinator of
     teams, response, positive school climate,   Professional Learning, FEA
     countering violent extremism and returning   Fee: $149
     to normalcy. Participants will also learn about   Improving student learning and strengthening
     the latest efforts of the FBI to collaborate with   teacher practice require a systemic and
     districts to enhance school safety.     sustainable process, driven by the collaborative
                                             work of PLCs and shared leadership. The
          Preparing for Special Education    Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) provides a
     Mediation and Due Process Hearings      coherent approach to curriculum, instruction,
                                             assessment and school climate that builds a
     Feb. 22, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       common language and understanding and
     Presenter: Jessika Kleen, Esq., Machado Law   shifts the focus of educators from compliance
     Group                                   and programs to process and effective practices.
     Fee: $150                               Endorsed by the NJ Department of Education
                                             and the leading educational organizations
     This session will provide a detailed explanation of   across the state, the CAR framework is currently
     the particular procedures which must be followed   being used by teams of educators from
     when preparing for a special education/due   across the state to develop curriculum and
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