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June                                    1) instructional program as well as student/school    Developing Socially and
                                            data use to identify which students are struggling and
                                            need supplemental/more intensive support. We will   Emotionally Healthy Students
           HIB Law: Year in Review          help you identify and organize resources to provide   (PSEL Standards 3 and 5)
                                            the support in the most effective manner.
    Jun. 3, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA                                               Jun. 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
                                                                                   at Brick Township PD Center
    Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL      Tenure Review: Inefficiency     Presenter: Bob Price, FEA Consultant
    ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
    Content Development                     and Conduct Unbecoming                 Fee: $149
    Fee: $150                               Jun. 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Schools, along with families and the community,
                                                                                   are key to children successfully navigating healthy
    Participants will learn about major changes in state   Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL   relationships in an ever-changing society. Social and
    and federal statutes, regulations, guidance and case   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and   Emotional Learning must be at the heart of ensuring
    law that have a major impact on implementing New   Content Development         that each student feels safe in their environment
    Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. This will include a   Fee: $150         and has the interpersonal skills to collaborate with
    review of new case law expanding parental rights to ac-  Whether you are preparing to file tenure charges   peers and adults. In this session, participants will: (1)
    cess HIB investigation reports, investigation documents   against a staff member, or need to defend against   define the purpose of Social and Emotional Learning
    and video. Participants will also learn about new case   tenure charges brought against you, this course will   (SEL) and its connection to school climate, student
    law regarding the intersection of bullying and special   provide valuable insight into the arbitration process   growth, and the success of all learners; (2) under-
    education, and new statutory requirements related   and applicable legal standards involving TEACHNJ.   stand the research and competencies that are the
    to physical restraint of students. Participants will also   Participants will learn about the types of tenure charges   foundation for implementing effective SEL programs
    consider how to respond to growing trends regarding   that have reached the arbitration level and receive a   and practices; (3) identify strengths and weaknesses
    anti-Semitism, sexual harassment and other forms of   thorough review of Arbitration Decisions since the   of current practices and programs to create next
    discrimination. Participants will review lessons learned   implementation of TEACHNJ in 2012. Conduct Unbe-  steps for strengthening SEL integration; (4) consider
    from the first year of implementation of sweeping   coming, Incapacity and “Other Just Cause” Charges:   strategies for infusing SEL throughout and across
    changes in state regulations related to HIB. Finally,   A discussion of the legal standards Arbitrators have   the curriculum; (5) create a toolbox of processes
    participants will gain an understanding of the ever   applied to cases involving:  and structures to build staff capacity to care for the
    evolving use of social media to engage in cyberbully-                          social-emotional wellbeing of all students.
    ing, and the need for students AND staff members to   •  Excessive Absenteeism
    understand social media boundaries.      •  Harassment
                                             •  Inappropriate Interactions with Students    The Principal/AP/VP’s
    WEBINAR                                  •  Improper Staff Conduct Outside of School   Survival Guide!
       The Evolution of Collective           •  Insubordination                    Jun. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at MUJC
    Bargaining: Understanding Key            •  Progressive Discipline Issues      Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
                                             •  Social Media Policy Violations
                                                                                   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
    Developments in State and Federal Law   Inefficiency Charges: An in-depth analysis of the   Content Development; James J. Sarto Ed.S.,
    Jun. 4, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm         applicable legal standards for evaluating both   NJ Leaders to Leaders Program Coordinator
    Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   Administrators and Staff under the Tenure Law.  Fee: $150
    Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director                                        Novice, experienced, and veteran principals
    of Personnel and Administrative Services,      Hot Issues in School Law        and assistant principals! How can we possibly
    Lawrence Township                                                              remember everything? Time goes by, students,
    Fee: $40                                Jun. 7, 2019; 10 am - 1 pm             staff, community, process, procedures, and most
                                            at Cherry Hill Public Library
    The rules on collective bargaining are rapidly   Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL   importantly… educational law changes. This may
                                                                                   be the refresher you have been waiting for. Join us
    evolving for schools, in light of the landmark U.S.
    Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME, and   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and   as we focus on basic “I Should Already Know That”
                                                                                   information, as well as:
    the passage of the Workplace Democracy Enhance-  Content Development
    ment Act by the State of New Jersey, as well as the   Fee: $75                   •  Daily school operations, duties, and
    implementation of Chapter 78 and the impact on   This workshop will address current developments   responsibilities
    negotiating health benefits. Important legal issues   in a variety of legal issues, including HIB case law   •  Case studies on student accountability
    have also arisen regarding the proper role of the   and legislative issues, TEACHNJ regulations and   •  Smoking v. Vaping v. Drug Policies
    local union representative versus the role of legal   Arbitration Decisions, student safety, workplace   •  Contracts and Job Descriptions
    counsel. As a result of this session, participants will   harassment, recent legislative enactments, student
    understand the impact of these major developments   health issues, social media, First Amendment rights   •  Tenure and Bumping Rights
    on the future of collective bargaining.  and responsibilities, and other current and ongoing   •  Tips, Suggestions and Time Saving Exercises
                                            school law topics.                       •  Search and Seizure
      Utilizing a Multi-Tiered System                                                •  Due Process – Releasing Staff Members from
                                                                                       Their Positions
    of Support in Elementary Language              Hot Issues in Special             •  Student Safety
    Arts (PSEL Standard 4)                  Education Law                            •  Common Sense!
    Day 2: Jun. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA  Jun. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       •  Document, Document, Document!
    Presenters: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant,   Presenter: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL   •  It’s Always Been Done That Way, How Did I
    Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant, Deitra   ONE Consultant                            Know It Was Illegal!”
    Spence, FEA Consultant                  Fee: $150
    Fee: $149                               State and federal law is rapidly evolving for students
    Thinking about implementing an Early Literacy Multi-  with disabilities. In this workshop, participants will    School Law: Year in Review
    tiered System of Supports in your school or district?   also learn about: the latest case law, statutory/  Jun. 26, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
    Need some help in identifying how to best move for-  regulatory changes, and federal/state guidance   Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
    ward to improve what you have and identify what is   regarding:                Director
    needed to meet your needs and achieve your goals?   •  The use of physical restraint and seclusion for   Fee: $150
    This two day Professional Learning opportunity with   students with disabilities,
    FEA consultants will address these issues and more.   •  The overlapping rights of students under   What were the most important changes in state and
    We will facilitate an assessment of your current prac-  IDEA, Section 504, New Jersey’s Law Against   federal law that occurred during the 2018-19 school
    tices and help clarify the next steps to move forward.   Discrimination and the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights.   year? What must you do to address these changes
    With three consultants, this workshop will provide   •  Major changes related to the use of technology   moving forward? This seminar will address key
    assistance at various levels from schools beginning   to deliver services for students with disabilities,   topics, including:
    to implement a tiered system of supports to those                                •  Changing legal requirements related to vaping,
    that have a system in place and want to focus on a   •  New procedures for addressing legal disputes   opioid use, and student health, including
    particular area. Technical assistance will be provided   and due process,          mental health;
    in areas such as developing a schoolwide assessment   •  Major case law decided in the aftermath of the   •  Understanding and addressing the needs of
    system, choosing appropriate screening tools, and   Supreme Court decisions in Endrew and Fry  transgender students;
    implementing a successful, ongoing process. We will                              •  Recent legislation and guidance related to
    provide a framework for schools to review current                                  school safety;
    MTSS practices, assess the strength of their core (tier
                                                                                     •  Changing federal law requirements and guidance
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