Page 5 - PDCalSummer2019-lettersize
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August Learning With a Focus on Special book talks build coherence among a diverse group of
Enhancing Social Emotional
educators; and (4) explore the use of books to support
the social, emotional, and equity needs of the students
Dealing with Difficult Students: Education (PSEL Standards 4, 5, and 6) and staff they serve. Each participant will leave with
tools and practices that can be used immediately to
Social Emotional Learning Made Aug. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA enhance the established culture.
Presenter: Candie Hegemuhle, Director of
Easy With the Prosocial Matrix Special Services, Warren Township Board of
(PSEL Standards 3 and 4) Education Getting to Effectiveness:
Aug. 1, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA Fee: $149 Leveraging Your Data to Drive
(Lunch at 1 pm) Students who experience difficulty identifying and Special Education Outcomes
Presenter: Phil Tenaglia, School regulating emotions, taking perspective and under- (PSEL Standards 4, 6, and 10)
Psychologist, Hamilton Twp Schools and standing their role and their responsibility within the
Family Therapist, Growth Opportunity larger school community typically have lower levels Sponsored by FEA and Public Consulting
Center, Southampton, PA of social-emotional competence. This workshop will Group
Fee: $100 explore the research, competencies elements and Aug. 15, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm at FEA (Lunch
tenets of social-emotional learning, provide practical
This session is designed to introduce an evidenced- strategies for infusing SEL across the curriculum, and
based, mindful approach to reclaim students who assist participants in identifying next steps to inte- Presenters: Matthew Korobkin, MSEd,
struggle socially and emotionally and help them get grate SEL with a focus on special education. Senior Advisor at Public Consulting Group
back on the road toward success and fulfillment in and Lauren English-Mezzino, MEd, Senior
education and life. The Prosocial Matrix is a cutting Consultant at Public Consulting Group
edge approach that is used in elementary and sec- Code of Conduct Fee: $100
ondary settings and is appropriate for all students. Investigations: Getting to the Truth For more than 40 years, compliance has been one of
Teachers and educators using it report less stress, in- the strongest drivers of special education program-
creases in achievement and attendance, and happier, Aug. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA ming. With Results Driven Accountability and the recent
healthier classrooms. You will practice and leave this Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District Supreme
workshop with: Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners Law Enforcement Court decision, a greater focus has been placed on out-
• A simple, quick and effective way for you and Fee: $150 comes. Now, more than ever, districts need to leverage
your students to be mindful throughout the day; Day three of the Code of Conduct series will lead data to improve student outcomes, inform instruction,
• Tools to set powerful individual and group participants through hands-on strategies for conducting and document student progress.
contexts for mindful student engagement, investigations of various forms of student misconduct. Led by a former special education teacher and state
even with reluctant and resistant learners; Participants will leave with a clear game plan for how education official as well as a former teacher and build-
• An easy to implement process that generates to conduct a wide array of student investigations and ing administrator, this session will explore the following
creative problem solving and working toward ultimately get to the underlying truth. areas of data use:
shared teacher/student goals; 1. Using data to support struggling learners
• A shared point of view that students can use Assessment Literacy for Teachers 2. Leveraging data through progress monitoring
on their own to build daily self monitoring and 3. Leveraging NJSMART Special Education data
reflection; (PSEL Standard Standards 4 and 6) 4. Using building and district data teams to
• You will also be boosting your own creativity Aug. 14, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA champion struggling learners and students
and reducing stress! Presenter: Matthew Jennings, Ed.D., with disabilities
Superintendent, Alexandria Township
The Connected Action Roadmap: School District Grant Writing 101: Innovating on
A Systemic Process for School Fee: $149 a Lean Budget (PSEL Standards 1, 4, 9,
One of the key components of the Connected Action
Improvement (PSEL Standards 4, 7, Roadmap is the use of formative and summative as- and 10)
and 10) sessments to yield data that informs practice and drives Aug. 19, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Aug. 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA student learning. In order to achieve this component Presenter: Marc Natanagara, Ed.D., Assistant
of the framework, educators need to have expertise in
Presenters: Donna McInerney, Vicki Duff, the development of assessments. Participants in this Superintendent, Toms River Regional
and Emil Carafa, FEA interactive workshop will learn how to develop a wide Schools
Fee: $149 variety of reliable and valid assessment instruments that Fee: $149
Improving student learning and strengthening can be used to assess and evaluate student’s knowledge Target Audience: PreK-12 Administrators, Teachers, and
and skills.
teacher practice require a systemic and sustainable Finance Personnel
process, driven by the collaborative work of PLCs and In nearly every workshop describing school initiatives,
shared leadership. The Connected Action Roadmap Building a Reading Culture: audience questions inevitably turn to finances: “The
(CAR) provides a coherent approach to curriculum, idea sounds great, but how can my budget support it?”
instruction, assessment and school climate that builds Connections Through Cross-Curricular Funding everything from classroom projects to large
a common language and understanding and shifts the Coherence (PSEL Standards 4 and 6) scale initiatives will always be a challenge, but hundreds
focus of educators from compliance and programs to Sponsored by FEA and Scholastic of millions of dollars in grants from hundreds of sources
process and effective practices. Endorsed by the NJ are awarded every year to those with a need who know
Department of Education and the leading educational Aug. 15, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA how to write them and take the time to apply.
organizations across the state, the CAR framework was Presenter: LaQuita Outlaw, Ed.D., Scholastic
recently used by teams of educators from across the Consultant In this workshop, participants will:
• locate sources of grants
state working with the NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA and Fee: $75
Math instructional units with common student learning • explore how to write grants that get attention
• discuss examples of initiatives that grants are
objectives derived from the NJ Student Learning This full-day workshop will explore the strategies,
best used for
Standards. These resources, when combined with the practices, and resources that school leaders at any • identify parameters, commitments, and limitations
CAR conversations, offer a powerful toolkit for PLCs level can use to build a reading culture for the purpose
that everyone should be aware of
to develop a shared understanding of the standards, of enhancing student success. Participants will: (1) • discover common points among all grants that
strengthen teacher practice and improve student examine the components of a reading culture and its
learning outcomes. purpose; (2) identify the intended and unintended make writing them easier the more you apply
benefits of promoting a culture that acknowledges • learn how to leverage a successful grant to apply
all its members; (3) gain an understanding of how for others