Page 4 - PDCalSummer2019-lettersize
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under the law, including an analysis of trends and       Code of Conduct                Understanding State
    review of lessons to be learned. Participants will learn
    about the critical steps that should be taken prior to   Certificate Program   and Federal Guidance on Student
    initiating tenure charges, including the importance   This three-day series will empower school   Discipline
    of effectively creating and implementing Corrective   leaders, counselors and educators to under-
    Action Plans, conducting all required conferences   stand legal requirements related to addressing   Jul. 31, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
    and observations, and the documentation necessary   the student code of conduct, provide a deep   Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
    to support disciplinary action against staff members   understanding of the latest state and federal   Director
    prior to tenure charges being brought. Participants will   guidance regarding student discipline, and   Fee: $150
    leave with a firm understanding of case law related to   provide a framework for conducting effective   Day two of the Code of Conduct series, will provide
    staff discipline and an understanding of due process   code of conduct investigations.
    protections that must be afforded to staff members.                            participants with a deep understanding of the most
                                             Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   recent guidance on student discipline from the N.J.
                                             Director; Geta Vogel, FEA Consultant   and U.S. Departments of Education, including legal
                                             & Retired Principal; Adam Drew, CEO,   requirements related to identifying and addressing
                                             Three Corners Law Enforcement         disparities in discipline, restraining students, sharing
                                                                                   information with law enforcement, dealing with
                                             Day 1: Legal Requirements and Emerging   conduct away from school grounds, addressing
                                             Issues Related to the Code of Student   bias-related acts, and responding to discipline for
                                             Conduct                               students with disabilities.
                            Exit 8A          Jul. 30, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
                                             Day 2: Understanding State and Federal
                                             Guidance on Student Discipline
                                             Jul. 31, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
                                             Day 3: Code of Conduct Investigations:
      Year 4                                 Getting to the Truth
                                             Aug. 12, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
      Fostering Collaborative
      and Collegial Relationships            Fee: $405 for the whole series
                                             $150 for each in-person training
      for Teaching, Leading, and
      Learning                                       Legal Requirements and
     Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA, NJASCD, Lexia,   Emerging Issues Related to the
     Ramapo College, & The Madison Institute   Code of Student Conduct
     Jul. 25, 2019; 8:30 am - 2 pm at FEA   Jul. 30, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
                                            Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     Fee: Free of Charge, but you must register   Director and Geta Vogel, FEA Consultant &
     at Breakfast and Lunch   Retired Principal
     Join educators from across New Jersey for this   Fee: $150
     exciting, revolutionary professional learning   Day one of the Code of Conduct series will
     opportunity now offered for a fourth year at   provide an overview of legal requirements
     FEA. The organizers will set a schedule for the   related to student conduct, including legal   Star Advantage Program: One
     day, but all sessions are determined by the   requirements for addressing student discipline,   of the great benefits to NJPSA
     participants who attend. Everyone is welcome to   HIB, discrimination, drug and alcohol issues,
     propose and lead a session where conversation   student searches, threats, violence, vandalism,   membership is the Star
     and collaboration drive the learning. The day is   improper language, and other forms of   Advantage program, which
     completely participant driven. Teacher, school,   misconduct.
     and district leaders are welcome. Participate and                                  entitles all Premier Active,
     share your experience in shaping quality education
     for all of our students. Consider the following   Unpacking and Taking Action With   Organizational, and Private
     questions as you think about what to share:  Your School’s NJ Performance Report   School members to one
       •  How do you foster a collaborative culture in                                  complimentary professional
         your organization?                 (PSEL Standards 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10)
       •  What are the tools and protocols necessary   Jul. 31, 2019; 9 am - noon at FEA  learning workshop every
         for successful collaboration?      Presenter: Anthony Scotto, Director         year. To learn more about
       •  What are the collaborative conversations   of Curriculum & Instruction, Hamilton
         that can support teaching and learning?  Township School District              how to use Star Advantage
       •  How does social media/technology in today’s   Fee: $75                        as you register, please visit
         classroom foster collaboration to extend   Your school’s NJ Performance Report includes a
         outside the school learning community?  wealth of data, but transforming that data into
                                            actionable steps can be challenging.  During this   advantage. If you have any
         School Climate for Adults:         session, participants will work with their own   questions or need assistance,
    It Matters (PSEL Standard 7)            performance reports to apply a “step-by-step” process   please email support@
                                            to interpret each section of the NJ Performance
    Jul. 29, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Report.  Strategies and tools for developing a plan
    Presenter: Pat Wright, Executive Director,   to promote school improvement will then be shared
    NJPSA                                   and next steps explored including communicating
                                            the performance report to district faculty and other
    Fee: $149                               stakeholder groups.                          LEGAL ONE workshop
    Problems with adult-to-adult relationships in school
    are often swept under the carpet. Yet, this set of
    relationships can make or break your school’s goal of                               Subscription model eligible
    creating a positive learning environment for students.
    Adult interactions also greatly impact a school’s
    capacity to promote the highest levels of student
    academic success. In this workshop, you will reflect on                              Professional Learning Series
    the adult relationships within your school, explore the
    causes of toxic adult-to-adult relationships, learn tools                           or Certificate Program
    to support the development of clear expectations                                    Workshops
    for professional behavior, consider the relationship
    between SEL instruction for students and adult
    modeling of SEL skills, and consider ways to create a
    strong sense of professionalism through collaboration.
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