Page 6 - PDCalSummer2019-lettersize
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• plan the sustainability of programs after the Investigating Discrimination
grant period Anti-Bullying Specialist
• practice working with media, both social and Claims
traditional, in the service of grants Aug. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Certificate Program
Participants will leave with a well structured outline Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE For Educators - For Counselors - For Principals
of an actual grant application specific to their district, Director; Adam Drew, CEO, Three Corners
school, or classroom that can be used as a foundation Law Enforcement; Rebecca Gold, Former The Anti-Bullying Specialist position is a daunting
to apply for nearly every grant. Director of Personnel and Administrative one, with responsibility for leading ALL HIB
Services, Lawrence Township investigations, writing investigation reports, and
leading the School Safety/Climate Team. For
Affirmative Action Fee: $150 many school counselors, social workers, school
Officer Certificate Program When allegations of discrimination are made in- psychologists and others, these are unfamiliar
roles far outside their training and comfort zone.
volving school employees or students, it’s essential
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE that the matter is investigated promptly, effectively This series will help prepare you for the varied
Director; Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL and legally. This workshop will provide you with the challenges you may face. This intensive program
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and tools you need to develop and carry out investiga- includes three full days of in-person professional
Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO, tion plans, including strategies for gathering and development which provides participants with
Three Corners Law Enforcement; Rebecca reviewing documents, questioning techniques to help an overview of key legal requirements, latest
Gold, Former Director of Personnel you get to the truth and a review of procedural steps legal developments, an overview of effective
and Administrative Services, Lawrence that must be taken. Participants will receive model investigation techniques, and a framework for
Township; Joanne Sung, Assistant templates and sample investigation reports, learn implementing a systemic approach to bullying
response and prevention. Save nearly 20% ($115)
how to develop and carry out an investigation action
Superintendent, North Plainfield School plan, learn from prior case law and review real world off the cost of purchasing the individual sessions
District; Cynthia Assini, K-12 Supervisor scenarios. and online courses separately. Note that the Anti-
of Social Studies/Gifted and Talented, Bullying Specialist Certificate is issued by LEGAL
Hillsborough Township Public Schools ONE. Participants will also be provided with access
You have been appointed Affirmative Action Of- Implicit Bias, Equity, to three online courses and a webinar.
ficer, handed a manual, and told good luck. What Investigations, and the Law Presenters: David Nash, Esq.,LEGAL ONE
now? How do you handle sensitive workplace Aug. 22, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Director; Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
investigations? What constitutes illegal harassment Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
and discrimination? How do you get to the truth? LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Research Content Development; Adam Drew, CEO,
How do we identify and overcome implicit biases Three Corners Law Enforcement; Lacoyya
that can impact all aspects of school district oper- and Content Development; Rebecca Weathington, Anti-Bullying Coordinator,
ations? What responsibilities do you have as AAO Gold, Former Director of Personnel
in all these areas? LEGAL ONE is pleased to offer and Administrative Services, Lawrence Cherry Hill Public Schools
the Affirmative Action Officer Certificate program Township; Joanne Sung, Assistant WEBINAR (Bonus/Not Required) -
to help you confidently navigate the complex legal Superintendent, North Plainfield School HIB and the Changing Legal Landscape -
maze that comes with this challenging role. District; Cynthia Assini, K-12 Supervisor Aug. 26, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
The program includes 3 full-days of in-person of Social Studies/Gifted and Talented,
Hillsborough Township Public Schools
training, plus completion of an online course on Online:
Employment Discrimination. Save 10% off the cost Fee: $150 • NJ’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights
of purchasing the individual sessions and online Whether we realize it or not, each of us has our • Hazelden Bullying 101
course separately. own implicit biases. As Affirmative Action Officer, it
is essential that you understand the implicit biases • Getting to the Truth: A Toolkit for Con-
Day 1: Overview of Discrimination Law and that you and your colleagues may have, that you ducting Effective Student Investigations
the Role of Affirmative Action Officer - lead your district’s work to overcome those biases Day 1: Bullying Law Update and the Role of
Aug. 20, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA and that you work to ensure that those biases do the ABS - Sep. 30, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
not interfere with student, staff or parental rights. In Day 2: How to Investigate HIB Claims -
Day 2: Investigating Discrimination Claims - this session participants will learn to identify implicit Oct. 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Aug. 21, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA biases and recognize the impact they may have on
all aspects of a school district’s operations. Partic- Day 3: Bullying Response and Prevention:
Day 3: Implicit Bias, Equity, Investigations ipants will apply this knowledge to implementing A Systemic Approach - Oct. 2, 2019; 9 am -
3 pm at FEA
and the Law - Aug. 22, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm the Comprehensive Equity Plan and conducting fair
and just investigations. Participants will also learn
at FEA advanced investigation techniques that promote fair, Fee: $500 for the whole series or
Online (Bonus/Not Required): equitable, effective and legally defensible outcomes. individual sessions can be purchased
Participants will also learn about best practices relat-
Employment Discrimination Law ed to enhancing cultural competency and celebrating
student diversity.
Fee: $450 for the whole series - a 10% WEBINAR
discount (regularly $500) Components can BrandED Bootcamp HIB and the Changing Legal
also be purchased individually: (PSEL Standards 6 and 9)
$150 for each in-person training Landscape
$50 for the online course Aug. 26, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Aug. 26, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Presenters: Trish Rubin Founder, Trish Rubin Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Ltd. Global Marketing Instructor, Author Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director
Overview of Discrimination Law & Speaker and Judith Wilson, Former NYC of Personnel and Administrative Services,
Principal, PD Trainer Executive Leadership
Lawrence Township
and the Role of Affirmative Action Institute & BrandED Certified Trainer Fee: $40
Officer Fee: $149 As an Anti-Bullying Specialist, Anti-Bullying Coordina-
Aug. 20, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA In an Age of Attention, Build a School Brand beyond a tor or school administrator, you need to be ready on
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Logo, Mascot, and Website by Claiming your Power as day one of the school year to implement New Jersey’s
Director and Rebecca Gold, Former Director Storyteller-in-Chief. anti-bullying Bill of Rights. In this webinar, participants
of Personnel and Administrative Services, BrandED Bootcamp is an active, professional devel- will learn about the latest developments, including the
Lawrence Township opment day focused on the Why of Branding and the most recent case law on HIB, the new law related to
restorative justice, the new requirement to teach about
Fee: $150 Development of Personal Brand and School Brand. In affirmative consent to sexual advances, and the latest
this collaborative session, participants use the Power
Affirmative Action Officers and school leaders must be of Three value that marketers know: IMAGE, PROMISE guidance on parental rights under FERPA related to
diligent in protecting the rights of all students and staff and RESULT featured in the book, BrandED. Former HIB investigation records. The session will also include
members regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual ori- New Jersey educators, Eric Sheninger and Trish Rubin a concise overview of key policies and procedures that
entation or disability. This specially-designed workshop have adapted brand defining tools for empowering should be in place related to HIB.
will focus on dealing with the many complex issues and school communities in a digital and social age. Led
laws involving discrimination in schools. This work- by the author, Trish Rubin, and former principal and
shop will also review the impact of the wave of sexual BrandED trainer, Judy Wilson, participants share
harassment claims made recently. Participants will also BrandED tools with fellow educators as they actively
learn about a model district approach to addressing create their “Storyteller-in-Chief “leadership brand
issues of dating violence and the promotion of a greater and initiate an action plan for building a school brand
understanding of boundaries for students. strategy for the new school year.