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from the U.S. Department of Education;   leadership, and increase productivity and efficiency    Principles of Effective
     •  The latest state and federal case law regarding   through streamlined walkthrough procedures, team
       HIB, IDEA, tenure, discrimination law, First   building, and efficient communication methods.  Instruction (PSEL Standard 4 and 6)
       Amendment rights and more; and                                              Jul. 18, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     •  Recent developments regarding employee   This event is Sold Out!           Presenter: Matthew Jennings, Ed.D.,
       rights, including collective bargaining rights,                             Superintendent, Alexandria Township
       pensions, and employee benefits.                                            School District
                                                                                   Fee: $149
                                                                                   A core component of the Connected Action Roadmap
    July                                                                           is effective instruction. More specifically, the CAR
                                                                                   framework requires a shared understanding of effective
                                                                                   teaching and learning. To achieve this goal, profes-
         Culturally Relevant Instruction                                           sional learning communities must develop a shared
                                                                                   understanding of research-based principles of learning
    and Leadership (PSEL Standards 3 & 4)                                          and teaching that can be applied flexibly in order to
    Jul. 9, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       Arts Integration Leadership Institute   make instructional decisions related to each individual
    Presenter: Tom Barclay, FEA Consultant  Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and The Geraldine   classroom. Participants in this practical workshop
                                                                                   will learn nine research-based principles for effective
    Fee: $149                              R. Dodge Foundation in Partnership with the   instruction that can be used by teachers and teams to
                                           Program for Teacher Preparation, Princeton
    The always changing cultural landscape of New   University                     make high quality instructional decisions.
    Jersey’s student population necessitates that NJ   Jul. 15, 16, 17, 2019 on the Campus of
    educational leaders maintain a focus on Culturally
    Relevant Instruction and work diligently to assure that   Princeton University      The Leader You Want and Need
    all school personnel are aware of and implement such   Presenters: Guest Speakers and Teaching   to Be (PSEL Standard 6)
    practices regularly and effectively. The particular focus   Artists            Jul. 22, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
    of this workshop, apart from learning about Culturally   Fee: No Cost
    Relevant Practices as educational leaders, is to learn                         Presenters: Tom Barclay, FEA Consultant;
    strategies and processes to create, monitor and   This three-day summer institute at Princeton University   Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant
    improve our practice, such that students of all cultures   has become one of FEA’s premiere events. Teams from   Fee: $149
    may have the playing field leveled and that they are   schools and districts join colleagues from across the   Great educational leaders need a strong philosophical
    able to thrive academically, physically, and socially.   state in developing projects that stress arts integration   and experiential knowledge about how to create
    In this session, participants will: (1) understand the   with NJ’s Student Learning Standards. The institute   positive change in the schools they lead. Maintaining
    cultural makeup of their school or district; (2) reflect   format includes: keynote presentations, workshops,   focus on this foundation becomes challenging in
    on what practices might be in place already; (3) learn   interactive experiences with teaching artists, and   the fast-paced educational environment in which we
    characteristics of culturally relevant instruction; (4)   planning time for teams and coaches to design an arts   find ourselves. This workshop will help you to reflect
    reflect again, with more information, on practices   integration project. All expenses, with the exception of   on what your strongly held beliefs are, what type of
    that are in place in their school or district; (5) learn   a $75 registration fee, are covered, including a room at   leader you prefer to be, and how to maintain focus
    strategies to create, monitor, and improve instruction   the Nassau Inn in Princeton for each team member.  on these beliefs in the midst of constant change. A
    for students of all cultures.                                                  strong foundation and firm compass will allow you to
                                               Collective Bargaining 101:          meet the challenges of leading complex organizations.
      Administrators Evaluating            Understanding Your Rights and           Topics to be addressed in this session include: self
                                                                                   reflection using the PSEL tool and other tools and self-
    Administrators – Strategies            How NJPSA Can Support You               surveys; development of a type of leadership profile;
    to Strengthen the Process of           (For NJPSA Members Only)                understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of our
                                                                                   leadership profile; learning how to match leadership
    Evaluating Colleagues                  Jul. 15, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA       style to the context of the school and its challenges.
    (PSEL Standards 6, 7, 9, and 10)       Presenters: Robert Murphy, NJPSA Assistant
    Jul. 10, 2019; 9 am - noon at FEA      Executive Director; NJPSA Legal Team; NJPSA    Fighting Racial Slurs and Other
    Presenter: Anthony Scotto, Director of   Field Representatives                 Common Acts of Student Aggression
    Curriculum and Instruction, Hamilton   Fee: Free                               (PSEL Standards 3 and 6)
    Township School District               In anticipation of the New School Year, we are inviting
    Fee: $75                               all NJPSA members to a workshop/networking event.    Jul. 24, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
    Administrators invest deeply in the feedback and   Members of the NJPSA Legal and Field Services team   Presenter: Dr. Robin Daniels, FEA
                                           will provide a program designed to address topics that
    evaluation process of teachers, but we need to   will help you in your role as a leader or member of your   Consultant
    support the growth of the administrator through the   local administrators bargaining group. Whether you   Fee: $149
    challenging process of evaluation. If you are a central   are a veteran in this role, or a first-timer, this is a good   This full day workshop is intended for educators who
    office or building leader responsible for evaluating   opportunity to learn/reinforce your key position in your   seek to expand their understanding of ethnic diversity
    other administrators, come to this session  to learn   local association. Topics to be addressed include:  and its relationship to school culture, climate, and
    specific strategies and tools that will support your                           successful instructional practices. Its purpose is to
    colleagues’ evaluation experience with meaningful,   •  The latest trends in contract negotiations  enable responsible adults to better avert ethnic-based
    actionable recommendations. Strong emphasis   •  Building a Cohesive Unit      HIB infractions and the relational tensions that arise
    will be placed on the role of self-assessment   •  Local Constitution and By-Laws  from the pervasive use of inflammatory behaviors.
    and reflection, artifact collection, the evaluation   •  Preparing for Collective Bargaining  To achieve these objectives, this workshop is divided
    conference, and the importance of suggestions for                              into two parts. The morning session will focus on what
    professional growth. Both roles in the evaluation   •  Addressing local politics and school ethics issues  teachers can do in the classroom to support culturally
    process will benefit from this training session. Teams   •  Implications of Janus v AFSCME and the   responsive behaviors that reduce the expression of
    are encouraged to attend.                  Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act  bias and promote a culture of respect. In the afternoon
                                             •  Handling Grievances                session, participants will explore strategies to be used
         Digital Age School Leadership       •  The Role of the Local Union President and   with and among students that both deter and address
                                                                                   the use of inflammatory speech and behaviors.
    With Google Apps (PSEL Standard 4        •  NJPSA Support available through Field Services
    and 6)                                     and Legal Counsel                          CAPs and Inefficiency
    Jul. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA        •  Understanding “Pass the Trash”     Tenure Charges
    Presenter: Kay McNulty, FEA Consultant                                         Jul. 25, 2019; 10 am - 1 pm
    Fee: $149                                                                      at Cherry Hill Public Library
    Today’s students belong to a digital future. Therefore,                        Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
    it is our responsibility as leaders to create learning                         ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
    cultures that prepare them to thrive. Leaders need                             Content Development
    to continually model effective uses of technology in
    their daily routines in order to establish such a cultural                     Fee: $75
    shift. Join us for an interactive session that will focus                      This workshop will review the latest developments
    on establishing healthy digital skills for school leaders.                     of TEACHNJ, New Jersey’s tenure and evaluation
    Participants will focus on ways to model practical                             law pertaining to Inefficiency charges. It will include
    uses of Google web tools, strengthen instructional                             a detailed review of cases decided by arbitrators
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