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P. 104
How I Saved Eight School Days
Every Year for My Students
By Michael Gaskell, Ed.D., Principal of Hammarskjold Middle School, East
If you're like most schools, moves on a short bell schedule of 2-3 Reality Check
getting students into class minutes or a larger transition of 4-5 When I first arrived as a new princi-
minutes, students often delay their
on time and clearing the initial arrival to a class, primarily for pal, I was surprised at how sluggishly
students entered class and worse,
halls can be a big challenge. social reasons. Therefore, the real how lethargic teachers were at team-
cost is losing time after classes start
When students move between classes affecting everything from student ing up in the hallways to make student
during transitions, a bell signals learning, time on task, focus and arrival time a factor of accountability
their departure and arrival. The time school climate conditions. Often, the for their classrooms. It was just an
between the official end of one class students most in need of starting the accepted and institutionalized practice
and the beginning of the next seems learning process on time are those at the school. Due to students being
simple enough. But students often wandering aimlessly right when in the halls, they were disrupting other
seize this time for social interactions. learning is most pivotal. classes, and disciplinary incidents
Whether your school is small and were high among these transitions.
Educational Viewpoints -102- Spring 2019