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approximately 62% of students with   partnership with the New Jersey Divi-  determination skills leads to more posi-
          work experience as part of secondary   sion of Vocational and Rehabilitation   tive educational outcomes (Wehmeyer
          school career and technical education   Services authorized by Pre-Employment  & Schwartz, 1997). Since 2016, the
          programs maintain competitive jobs,   Transition Services funded under sec-  program has evolved to address clos-
          as opposed to 45% without (Rounds,   tion 113 of the Rehabilitation Act of   ing the work gap between disabled and
          1997, Holloran & Johnson, 1992).     1973, as amended by the Workforce In-  non-disabled post-secondary students.
                                               novation and Opportunity Act. As the Di-  As the Director, I revitalized curriculum
          Work-Based Learning                  rector, I led the initiative by forwarding a   offerings to reflect more authentic,

          Studies have shown that students     letter of interest to NJDVRS for pre-em-  relevant career planning options, such
          engaged in integrated career and     ployment transition services in the form   as a Workplace Readiness curriculum
          community experiences, especially    of paid work-based learning. Soon after,   (Knight & Aucoin, 1999). Additionally, I
          career education and paid work, are   I initiated a partnership with the New   partnered with the New Jersey Council
          more likely to experience positive    Jersey Travel Independence Program   on Developmental Disabilities to pro-
          employment outcomes (Ferretti &      (NJTIP) to provide transportation train-  vide direct instruction in self-determi-
          Eisenman, 2010). Work-based learning   ing to students traveling to their jobs and   nation. Self-determination is a concept
          is embedded in the New Jersey Learn-  the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce   reflecting the belief that all individuals
          ing Standard, 9.3 for career pursuits.    to deliver transition-based curriculum.   have the right to direct their own lives.
          Dr. Tracey Maccia, Director of Special   Last but not least, partnerships were   Students who have self-determination
          Education for Middlesex County Voca-  developed with the New Jersey Council   skills are more likely to be successful
          tional and Technical Schools (MCVTS),   on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD)   in making the transition to adulthood,
          developed goals and objectives for the   and Workforce Development of Middle-  including employment and community
          program based on pre-employment      sex County to enhance the work-based   independence (Wehmeyer & Schwartz,
          skills in the area of life skills (such as   learning program and create a system   1997). In addition, students are taught
          good hygiene, appropriate clothing and   built on strong interagency partnerships.  transportation skills to become familiar
          behavior, and transportation skills),   Business Partnerships             with the transit routes from school to
          effective skills (such as self confi-                                     work. Teaching students how to navi-
          dence, awareness of own strengths,   The relationships among schools and   gate transportation assists in removing
          interests and abilities), and employ-  the communities in which they oper-  barriers and giving students greater
          ability skills (recognition of authority,   ate are essential to student learning   access to jobs, services and social
          good attendance, job knowledge,      (Juszczak, Moody, & Vega-Matos,      networks is an independent life skill.
          ability to give and request assis-   1998). These partnerships provide    It empowers students to take greater
          tance, and quality work production).   many and varied benefits which in-  control of their lives, enabling them to
          Work-based learning provides second-  clude increasing school capacity and   learn new skills and take advantage
          ary students with four benefits that   enhancing educational experiences   of opportunities in their communities.
          are not easily acquired in a classroom   for students. Students have been   Finally, the partnership with the New
          environment:                         placed at various job sites, such as the   Jersey Chamber of Commerce pro-
                                                                                    vides direct instruction to the students
            1. An authentic context for applying   Raritan Bay YMCA, Hackensack-Me-  on the challenges of the world of work.
              problem-solving skills under     ridian Health Center in Perth Amboy,
              normal work-related restraints   E.A.R.T.H. Center, and the YMCA of   Teacher Training
              and stresses.                    Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge and
            2. A familiarity with varied careers   South Amboy. The partnership with   As the Director, I planned and coor-
                                               NJDVRS led to a Business Outreach
                                                                                    dinated a professional development
              and exposure to different        Summit to educate businesses on      program for special education teachers
              leadership styles.               disability awareness to build confi-  wishing to gain a better understanding
            3. An appreciation for the connec-  dence and experience in the ability to   of their role in work-based learning. The
              tion between the worksites and   communicate comfortably and appro-   focus was on job exploration counsel-
              continued learning and personal   priately with customers, coworkers or   ing and workplace readiness to better
              growth.                          potential hires who have disabilities.   support the students with disabilities in
            4. Opportunities for networking with   Implementing partnerships such as   their classrooms. Each classroom was
              future employers, adult mentors,   these is instrumental in sustaining   outfitted with a mobile technology lab
              and the New Jersey Division of   student-focused planning and student   to access transition features of New
              Vocational and Rehabilitation    development practices, such as work   Jersey Career Assistance Network
              Services (NJDVRS).               experiences and student involvement   (NJCAN), a free, online, interactive
                                               in planning (Kohler & Field, 2003).  resource designed to support lifelong
          Agency Partnerships                                                       career exploration, career planning
          Since 2016, approximately 250 students  Self-Determination, Self-         and decision making through easy-to-
          with disabilities from the district have   Advocacy and Independence      use, straightforward search and sorting
          participated in paid work-based learning   Studies have found that helping    utilities adopted by the New Jersey
          opportunities made possible through a   students acquire and exercise self-  Department of Education.

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