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and evaluation, as well as the dismissal                                  than teachers in North Carolina. This
          of substandard faculty, very challeng-  The challenge is to find          pattern aligned with the results from
          ing. The addition of value-added data   common ground where               New Jersey, despite many teachers in
          to the evaluation system in some states   teachers’ unions and            North Carolina working under fixed-
          improved faculty accountability and                                       interval contracts of one to four school
          produced some standardization, but    the school community                years rather than being awarded
          many factors impact student achieve-  can work together to                tenure after a probationary period as
          ment. It is difficult to target precisely the                             teachers in New Jersey.
          role tenure plays in this process, but   create an environment            Further analysis of survey responses
          it is a topic which would benefit from   that supports teachers           regarding educational quality demon-
          further investigation.                and ensures students                strated that more New Jersey teachers
          High-quality teaching has been proven   are enrolled in a class-          than administrators agree tenure con-
          to impact student achievement (Ed-                                        tinues to inhibit teacher dismissal. This
          ward, 2014, Franzen, 2012a & Public   room with an effective              data may suggest the tenure reforms
          Impact, 2011), and denying a student   instructor.                        in New Jersey have not impacted the
          access to quality instruction can be an                                   dismissal rate of substandard teach-
          infringement on his or her rights. Since   between the position teachers and   ers in a noteworthy way. In addition,
          poor and minority students are more   administrators have in regards to ten-  survey data revealed the majority of
          likely to receive a lesser quality of in-  ure reforms in New Jersey and North   administrators and teachers in both
          struction (Edward, 2014) the achieve-  Carolina using independent sample   states either disagree or have no basis
          ment gap will continue to widen. With-  t-tests. It specifically investigated   for judgment as to whether tenure
          out determining the impact tenure has   whether the systems in place have   fundamentally protects a teacher’s
          in the classroom, it is impossible to   been of perceived benefit to teachers   academic freedom. This is an interest-
          determine if we are providing students   and students and what impact tenure   ing outcome as academic freedom is
          with the best education possible.    reforms appeared to have on educa-   one of the foundational purposes of
          To improve education in public-school   tional quality.                   tenure and may be an indication that
          systems, New Jersey and North Caro-  A modified Teacher Tenure Survey was   the needs tenure was created to fill
          lina have both implemented reforms.   completed by a total of 129 participants   have begun to change.
          New Jersey took a more traditional   identified as administrators and 66   In regards to tenure’s benefit to stu-
          approach to reform with a four-year   identified as teaching staff members   dents, administrators in New Jersey
          probationary period, mandated men-   within New Jersey school districts. The   and North Carolina were found to
          toring program, more standardized    survey was also completed by 125 ad-  perceive tenure reform differently. A
          evaluation systems, and value-added   ministrators and 184 teachers in North   significant difference existed between
          data used in evaluations. North Caro-  Carolina. The survey was open for two   the means of New Jersey administra-
          lina chose a very different approach.   weeks for data collection.        tors (M = 2.96) and North Carolina
          This state attempted to eliminate                                         administrators (M = 2.52) among the
          career status for their teaching staff   The results demonstrated statistical   current sample (t [252] = 3.169, p < .01).
          completely and succeeded in eliminat-  differences between teachers and   It can be concluded that New Jersey
          ing the possibility of career status for   administrators as well as differences   administrators consider current tenure
          new hires after the law took effect in   of perceptions between states. Teach-  practices to affect students more nega-
          2013. North Carolina teachers hired   ers and administrators in both states   tively than their North Carolina counter-
          after August 1, 2013 work under fixed-  regarded tenure reform’s impact on   parts. Despite the difference between
          interval contracts.                  educational quality differently, with   the perceptions of administrators, a
                                               administrators perceiving tenure after   discrepancy was not found between the
          Current Tenure Perceptions           its reform to have a more negative   perceptions of New Jersey and North
                                               impact than teachers. The results from
          It is important to remember when     the calculations displayed a signifi-  Carolina teachers. Teachers in these
          evaluating these reforms that no     cant difference between the means    states do not perceive tenure after its
          tenure process will be universally sup-  of New Jersey administrators (M =   last reform to have a negative impact
          ported, and there are differing views of   3.24) and teachers (M = 2.94) among   on students.
          each. The challenge is to find com-  the current sample (t [193] = 2.13, p <   Looking Forward
          mon ground where teachers’ unions    .05). The results from the calculations
          and the school community can work    also displayed a significant difference   This study measured perceptions of
          together to create an environment that   between the means of North Carolina   tenure reform in only two states. The
          supports teachers and ensures stu-   administrators (M = 2.94) and teachers   specific states of New Jersey and
          dents are enrolled in a classroom with   (M = 2.61) among the current sample   North Carolina were chosen because
          an effective instructor.             (t [307] = 3.23, p < .01). Administra-  of the distinct differences in their
          A causal-comparative study was       tors in North Carolina perceived tenure   approaches to tenure reform. Under-
          conducted in an attempt to determine   after its last reform to have a more   standing the perceptions of teachers
          if there were significant differences   negative impact on educational quality   and administrators regarding tenure

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