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work through challenges, and pushed   Schools are more than bricks and mor-  Family - Teachers feel that the people
          us using team-building activities that   tar. They are comprised of administra-  they work with are more than cowork-
          helped form bonds when we returned   tors, teachers, aides, and custodians.   ers. They are family. The relationships
          to the district. The former cadets and   Educators must work cooperatively   formed at work go beyond the work-
          retired army officers have invigorated   with the community to inspire and   day and into their personal lives. There
          the administrators and given us the   implement a shared vision of student   is a sense of belonging.
          tools to inspire our teachers when the   success. Each school has a prideful   Freedom of Action - Give teach-
          school year begins.                  history of the teachers, boys, and girls   ers the freedom to pursue what they
          The army believes the motto “Mis-    who previously walked the halls of the   believe is best for their children. The
          sion First, People Always” is the right   building leaving only to pursue future   faculty and staff were given instruc-
          balance to get the job done while    endeavors.                           tions that empowered them to take
          also taking care of its soldiers. To be   Willing Alignment               action on a decision after answering
          successful in education, the same                                         the following four questions:
          motto can be employed. The mission,   According to TLDG, high performance   1. Is it legal and ethical?
          educating the whole child, must also   army teams acquire members who      2. Is it beneficial for students?
          come first, while simultaneously taking   want to do their best. They have a
          care of our own soldiers, students and   willing alignment to the mission. These   3. Am I willing to be accountable for
          teachers.                            teams, or for our purpose, schools,      this decision?
                                               have leaders who promote six key      4. Is it consistent with the mission
          Mission First                        points that align the teachers.          and vision of the district?
          We were taught at West Point that sol-  Clarity of Purpose - Teachers work   If the answer to all four questions is
          diers live by the code — duty, honor,   long hours and sacrifice much be-  “yes” then they do not have to ask for
          and country. Similarly, educators have   cause they find meaningfulness in   permission — they already have it.
          a strong sense of duty and honor     their calling. Their purpose, to educate   Fun - The most important component
          while also having an allegiance to their   and nurture children, aligns with their   to a successful school is that the
          schools.                             soul, or calling, and they feel fulfillment  teachers enjoy coming to work. If they
          It is the duty of educators to provide a   as an individual, as a member of a   are not having fun overall, their misery
          quality education to their students re-  department, and as part of the school.  will eventually seep into the class-
          garding the four “A’s” that comprise a   Lead From the Front - The leaders of   room. Allow teachers ample opportuni-
          student’s educational experience: aca-  today do not lead from the rear. They   ties to enjoy what they do.
          demics, athletics, arts, and activities.   lead from the front. They are the tip of
          The key to a successful educational   the spear and are willing to put them-  People Always
          experience is to balance the four “A’s”   selves on the line or in harm’s way to   We are inspired through the relation-
          with the values and goals of family   protect the teachers and children from   ships formed at work that help us get
          and community. Together, an effective   outside forces.                   through tough times. We are honored
          learning environment is developed    Mastery - Teachers want to become    to give to a community, educate the
          to produce an educated young adult   masters at their craft. Master teach-  next generation, and be a part of the
          who will be a lifelong learner able to   ers are able to get “in the flow” and   long line of educators that came be-
          contribute positively to society.    teach beautifully constructed lessons.   fore us. We enjoy success because of
          To educate a child effectively requires   Offering relevant professional develop-  our teachers from the past, the teach-
          a tremendous amount of collaboration   ment and allowing them to meet with   ers we currently work with, and look to
          and effort from the child, family, school,   colleagues at conferences or in the   the teachers who will be joining us in
          and community. These relationships   building allows them opportunities to   the future. Teachers and administra-
          are the honor educators bring to the   develop lessons that best serve their   tors have a common purpose of devel-
          profession. Honor, formed through    students. Leaders need to encourage   oping children, building strong relation-
          relationships with students through an   and accommodate teachers by letting   ships with colleagues along the way,
          educator’s craft, helps mold students   them experiment and fail without con-  and enjoying their time in the schools
          into the model citizens and virtuous   sequences. This will lead to mastery.  educating the future of tomorrow.
          people we want them to be.

           About the Author
                         Thomas Gorman, Ed.D., principal of Ridgewood High School, has worked in public education as a
                         social studies teacher and administrator for 20 years. He earned a B.A. from Muhlenberg College, a
                         M.A. from Montclair State University, and an Ed.D. from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
                         His wife, Maggie, has been a physical education and health teacher at Ramsey High School for 25
                         years. Together they have three teenage children - Sean, Hagan, and Shea. He can be contacted at

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