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P. 27
The Birth of a Home-Grown
Character Education Program
By Christopher S. Meyrick, Ed.D.
Introduction start to see some forms of proactive The Need
What happens when your school dis- classroom management approaches. Studies of effective early childhood
trict does not have the financial means However, nothing is consistent, and and school environments confirm that
to adopt a recognized character edu- the current systems in place lack fol- academic skills in the first years of
cation program? What do you do? low-through. As the year progresses, schooling are intertwined with the abil-
you are fully inundated with reactive
You were given your first administra- discipline issues and by year’s end, ity to regulate emotions and behaviors
tive experience as a shared elemen- you have had a part in the majority of in order to engage in positive social in-
tary school assistant principal. As the discipline referrals. Even though disci- teractions with peers and adults (Bet-
newly hired assistant principal, you are pline has decreased from the previous tencourt, Gross, & Ho, 2016). Schools
fully aware that student conduct will year, you reflect knowing you need to need to focus on building community,
be one of your primary responsibili- do more. nurturing, and enabling members
ties. As the school year begins, you to develop socially and emotionally.
Educational Viewpoints -25- Spring 2019