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ACEs, Trauma, and Toxic Stress

      in Our Students

      By Maureen Hayes, Instructional Supervisor, K-6 Language Arts, Social
      Studies, and World Languages; and Lynne Traina, School Nurse, Lawrence

      Township Public Schools

      Frequent reports of school           Students and their families are hurting,   our students to be mentally healthy
      shootings, overwhelmed               and it’s time to act. We now have the   and academically successful, we need
                                                                                to meet what Maslow refers to as
                                           science to better support our children
      emergency rooms filled               and communities are ready to move    basic needs first. These include the
      with gunshot victims and             forward. We understand the effects of   psychological needs of food, water,
                                           trauma and toxic stress on the grow-
                                                                                warmth and rest, as well as feeling
      an ever-increasing number            ing body and mind, and we have the   safe and secure.
      of mental health issues              tools to respond. It’s time to shift our   Now We Know About ACEs
                                           lens from “what’s wrong with this stu-
      and challenging behaviors            dent?” to “what has happened to this   The first study on Adverse Childhood

      seen in our schools has              student?” We need to meet students   Experiences, or ACEs, was written in
                                           where they are, not where they are
                                                                                1998 by Dr. Vincent Felitti and Dr. Rob-
      education professionals              chronologically or where we’d like   ert Anda. With continued good works
      scratching their heads.              them to be. “Maslow before Bloom”    written by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk,
                                           has never been so critical. If we want

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -28-       Spring 2019
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