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Without programs to support the social On a monthly basis, the guidance not showing respect. Please move
and emotional development of the stu- counselor or administrator visits every your clip down.”
dents at a young and critical age, the classroom to introduce the students' If a student’s clip is moved down, they
occurrence of behaviors that require targeted character education word will still have the opportunity to be
disciplinary action will always be an is- defining a pro-social behavior, care- moved back up when demonstrating
sue. The problem school districts face fully selected by the building’s School that they can regulate their emotions
is how to appropriately and effectively Climate Committee. Once the word and/or behaviors with positive actions.
provide recognition and consequences Is introduced, an activity is provided This allows the staff to capitalize on
to the different targeted age groups, to help the students develop a deeper teachable moments. Parents are pro-
based on their social and emotional understanding of the meaning of the vided this information the beginning of
cognitive levels. What can be done word and how to show this behavior in the school year, so they also under-
to facilitate and promote social and the classroom. stand the expectations and details
emotional skills? for what constitutes positive behavior
The Home-Grown characteristics.
Program Design At the conclusion of the day, the teach-
er and student take the opportunity to
Social and emotional development com- conference and reflect on their day.
prises specific skills and competencies An example of this conference would
that students need in order to set goals, look like, “Johnny, today you needed
manage behavior, build relationships, to clip down when Mrs. Smith came
and process and remember informa- in to talk to me about another student
tion (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009). The and you were not showing respect by
ability for students to regulate emotions waiting for us to finish talking when
and behaviors and establish healthy you were inappropriately trying to get
relationships is paramount (Zins, Weiss- my attention. However, I was proud of
berg, Wang, & Walberg, 2004). Children the way you later told the truth about
who participate in well-implemented, taking Jamie’s blue crayon when she
evidence-based Social and Emotional The home-grown character educa- noticed it was missing. That showed
Learning programs do better on mea- tion program monitors the students’ me that you have integrity for admit-
sures of social, behavioral, and academ- behaviors throughout the day using ting you were the one who took it.
ic outcomes than children who are not a rainbow chart (see above). Each Because you told the truth, you were
exposed to these programs. In order color has a corresponding point value. able to clip back up and ended your
to do this, students must be taught how All students began their day on the day on yellow. Great job! Tell me what
to both identify positive emotions and color green, which means, “Ready you should do next time another adult
behaviors and also be able to demon- to Learn.” When the classroom staff and I are speaking?”
strate an understanding through their observed the students exhibiting good
actions. In turn, learning the conse- character traits and prosocial behav- In the beginning of the school year, the
quences of negative behaviors should iors, the student’s clip is moved up points needed to earn their monthly
assist with developing regulation. one color. An example of what a “clip reward are less than actual school
Although classroom teachers typically up” moment might look like would be, days. As the year progresses, the
reinforce positive character traits and “Johnny, I love the way you waited points needed will exceed the number
behaviors daily, the program calls for patiently until after I was done speak- of school days. At the end of each
a more structured and specific way ing with Mrs. Smith before asking your month, students who had earned a
to teach students specific prosocial question. That showed me that you pre-determined number of points are
behaviors. have respect for grown-ups and have awarded with pencils with the target
good manners. You can move your character words on them. The stu-
Children who participate clip up!” The program encouraged dents were also rewarded with a Skip
in well-implemented, the staff to use the target words in the Uniform Day (STUD); wearing
clothes of their choice. At the end of
evidence-based Social their language when explaining to the each trimester, a more formal ceremo-
students the reasoning for moving the
and Emotional Learning clip. Conversely, when a child is not ny was held to reward those students
programs do better on exhibiting the expected character traits who consistently earned their points,
demonstrated good attendance, and
and prosocial behaviors, the student’s
measures of social, be- clip is moved down. An example of punctuality for the entire trimester.
havioral, and academic the reverse situation would look like, The last integral piece is the behavior
outcomes than children “Johnny, when a teacher is speaking calendar that facilitates three types
to another adult, you need to wait
of meaningful relationships. First, it
who are not exposed to until they are finished unless it is an provides students and staff an op-
these programs. absolute emergency. Calling out and portunity to communicate, develop a
tugging my shirt is not acceptable and
Educational Viewpoints -26- Spring 2019