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work together in flexible collaborative complex thought processes. They Every teacher must create a culture of
group configurations, analyze and must be able to hone their reasoning thinking and wonder, so students can
improve their questioning techniques, abilities, innovate new solutions, and connect, synthesize, re-imagine, create,
practice brainstorming, and learn mind explain their conclusions. We know and apply ideas and concepts. As we
mapping. Helping kids uncover what our students are facing informational all know, curious students are engaged,
they comprehend, what confuses and technological advances that de- passionate about their learning and
them, and what excites them as learn- mand higher order thinking skills. As likely to stick with challenging tasks. This
ers is key. By learning thinking skills, students move through school, a con- is a transformative time for our students.
students are able to transfer these sistently and explicitly taught thinking As elementary students grow older, they
abilities into academic, social, and framework can encourage students to must possess strong thinking compe-
emotional learning. take risks, think boldly, and justify their tencies so they can routinely ask, “Why
As educators, we understand how criti- answers and ideas. Effective learning not?” “How come?” and “I wonder…”
cal it is for our 21st century learners to means not simply gathering informa- They must be well prepared thinkers,
be intellectually curious and possess tion, but understanding the relation- ready for the astounding learning oppor-
flexible mindsets capable of grasping ship between what is known and what tunities that await them in middle school,
has not yet been imagined. high school, and beyond.
About the Author
Jeanne Muzi is the proud Principal of Slackwood Elementary School, Lawrence Township Public
Schools. She has served in the district for 18 years, initially as a first grade teacher and, before
becoming principal, as the Elementary Enrichment Specialist. She is an NJ EXCEL graduate, adjunct
professor, National Geographic Grosvenor Fellow and NOAA Teacher at Sea. Jeanne has served
on many state education committees and panels, and shares her passion for cultivating curiosity,
strengthening questioning and empowering students presenting at state and regional conferences.
Follow Jeanne on Twitter at @MuziLearningLab
Educational Viewpoints -33- Spring 2019