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the chance to learn in new and relevant   The mission of the district K-3 Thinking   ontologist Mary Anning and complete
      ways, it is more important than ever   Framework is to provide learning expe-  challenges found in DaVinci Boxes.
      for all students to arrive at that point in   riences focused on thinking competen-  Third graders focus on comparing and
      their education journey equipped with   cies in order to motivate and challenge   contrasting primary documents by
      the thinking competencies they will   all students, since thinking (and under-  examining historic journals from Albert
      need to be successful. At Lawrence   standing) are what builds the essential   Einstein to Frida Kahlo. They integrate
      Township Public Schools, all kinder-  foundation on which a love of learning   technology, evaluate their questions,
      garten through third grade students   is constructed and where one’s pas-  learn design thinking, and work on
      participate in thinking lessons, projects,   sions and curiosity are cultivated. We   challenge-based projects. Throughout
      and activities so they are directly learn-  have seen that learning to examine   each grade, students consider their
      ing about what effective thinkers do,   our thinking and identify metacognitive   thinking, analyze what makes sense,
      how their brains work, and how thinking  strategies are best developed through   and share how they revised their
      in new ways impacts their day-to-day   a system of engaging lessons, collab-  questions and observations. Work-
      learning. This systemic framework    orative projects, and conscious reflec-  ing together, they get to share their
      is designed to cultivate cultures of   tion. Every K-3 student participates in   triumphs and failures by doing things
      creativity and curiosity for young stu-  the program, regardless of classroom   like cracking codes, designing graphic
      dents, and has led to improvements in   or learning situation. This equitable   organizers, and comparing patents.
      student-questioning skills and improved  approach promotes individual reason-  The Thinking Framework explicitly
      confidence in problem solving.       ing, encourages personal applications,   brings seven over-arching elements
      The curriculum was created around a   strengthens collaborative ideation, and   to the elementary grade span in de-
      key concept: you cannot expect middle   broadens the learning experiences for   velopmentally appropriate ways. The
      and high school students to arrive at   all children while encouraging higher   strands are
      those upper levels ready to question   levels of thinking.                  1. Metacognitive Strategies;
      critically and reason skillfully without   This program concept, which explicitly   2. Imagination and Curiosity;
      explicitly teaching students how to   focuses on thinking, is rooted in the
      inquire, analyze, verify, and justify    belief that all students possess gifts,   3. Observing, Describing;
      their thoughts in the earlier grades.   talents, interests, and passions that   Patterning, and Sequencing;
      The essential abilities necessary to   need to be acknowledged, nurtured,   4. Comparing, Connecting, and
      be competent questioners, creative   and celebrated. An embedded pro-         Categorizing;
      problem-solvers, and analytical learn-  gram gives all students opportunities   5. Prediction, Deduction, and
      ers must be introduced, developed,   to develop thinking competencies, and    Inference;
      and expanded upon from the moment    while all teachers across the district   6. Design, Planning, and
      students arrive at school and must   teach thinking skills in their daily les-  Adaptability; and
      continue for a lifetime. This requires   sons, tapping into an explicit program   7. Failure, Self-Awareness, and
      us to replace some traditional elemen-  places clarity and purpose on the     Perseverance.
      tary practices for hands-on, minds-on   importance of developing engaged,
      creative, collaborative learning. In   independent thinkers.              Each element incorporates opportuni-
      Lawrence Township, all students in the   The thinking program is presented   ties to practice the 4Cs: Collaboration,
      four elementary schools participate in   as a seven element “thinking frame-  Communication, Creativity, and Critical
      a spiraling enrichment curriculum that   work” and provides a clear focus with   Thinking. The elements are defined,
      includes grade-specific targets.     examples of each element in action. It   examined, and linked. Following these
                                                                                intentional learning experiences,
                                           consists of materials, methods, and   students are ready to strategically ap-
       The essential abilities             instructional techniques that develop   proach problems in all content areas.
       necessary to be compe-              creative thinking and problem solving,   It is our belief that by planting these
        tent questioners, cre-             while heightening thinking experiences   thinking seeds, all students will benefit
                                           by reinforcing the skills the students
                                                                                and grow as thoughtful learners who
       ative problem-solvers,              can apply in all content areas. In   will “own” their thinking and will move
       and analytical learners             kindergarten, students “try on” differ-  into the older grades with the ability to
                                           ent thinking dispositions when they
       must be introduced, de-             participate in “Think Like a Scientist”   contemplate thoughts, cultivate new
                                                                                ideas, and communicate deeply about
       veloped, and expanded               or “Think Like an Inventor” lessons.   the “hows and whys” of their solutions.
       upon from the moment                In first grade, students consistently   The grade-by-grade approach has
                                           consider the question “What do good
       students arrive at school           thinkers do?” as they utilize logic box   helped establish a common thinking
                                                                                language so a clear exchange of ideas
       and must continue for a             materials or step into NASA’s Mission   exists between students, teachers,
                                           Control to learn about the Mars Rover.
       lifetime.                           Second graders get to think like pale-  and families. Students also have a
                                                                                chance to learn and practice how to

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