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occasional street fight between rival   me where I “was” while simultaneously
          crews; all on a block in “The Jungle”.   challenging me to reach for my limit-  When I entered 5th
          But even here, deep in “The Jungle”,   less potential.                     grade, I finally met the
          there were old and wise sages that   I will not name “my” life changing    teacher who forever
          kept us young children safe. These   teacher; as I believe it is important that
          sages, mostly women, would sit high   each of you reading this realizes you   changed my life. Headed
          up on porches during the long summer   hold the potential to be a positive influ-  for what probably could
          days, sipping from glasses of iced-tea,   ence in the lives of the children you
          watching each move we made as we     serve. Placing a name to a masterful   have been explained as
          innocently navigated our complicated   work of art can defuse the beholder’s   a disastrous educational
          environment. I do not think I would   belief in replicating or improving upon   experience, I desper-
          have made it through the summers of   a masterpiece. I am very thankful for
          my youth if not for the guidance and   my 5th grade school teacher because   ately needed a teacher
          positive reinforcement set forth by   of her commitment to nurture me as   capable of meeting me
          these Guardians of the Summer.       a young disengaged learner. Like      where I “was” while
          During the fall, the beaches emptied   The Guardians of the Summer, who
          but the school doors opened. Sum-    protected me from social distractions   simultaneously challeng-
          mer vacationers returned to their lives   I encountered in my community, this   ing me to reach for my
          and left the beaches and boardwalks   teacher proved to be vigilant in her   limitless potential.
          vacant and lifeless; this mass exodus   approach to creating a classroom
          was always a harbinger of the start   environment that was physically,    Critical Feedback Saves Lives
          of a new school year. Like the beach,   emotionally, and socially safe for all
          the elementary school I attended was   students. As a teacher, coach, school   I have found over the years that many
          about 15 running minutes away from   administrator, and parent, there are   people struggle with both providing
          the housing project where I lived. As a   3 critical elements I hold sacred; I   and receiving critical feedback. I have
          child, each year I looked forward to the  learned each of these 3 elements as   discovered most teachers struggle
          start of school. Even in my adolescent   a child while under the tutelage of my   with this challenge in both the profes-
          mind, I identified the start of school as   5th grade teacher and the Guardians   sional and personal setting. On many
          a “rebirth” or an opportunity to “start   of the Summer...                occasions, adults choose to refrain
          over” and be a better student. More    1. Your Words Matter               from giving critical feedback in an
          importantly, school also provided an   2. Critical Feedback Can be Life   effort to remain cordial and maintain
          opportunity to leave behind the worries   Changing                        healthy relationships with colleagues,
          and stressors of home life.                                               friends, and family members. My life
          There were no brown fences at school,   3. We Are Somehow All Connected   experiences have led me to believe
          but in many instances I could easily   Your Words Matter                  that effectively prescribing and receiv-
          sense the disconnection between my   Words are things. Words can cut,     ing feedback is a learned behavior
          neighborhood and the place I called   bruise, cure, or heal; teachers and   each of us has the power to optimize.
          school. It was obvious that many of   adults have the ability to speak    Thus, teachers have the ability to
          the adults working in the building did   positive affirmations into the lives of   engage young people in learning ex-
          not know about “The Jungle”, nor did   students. On the other hand, edu-  periences replete with receptive and
          they realize the sojourn many students   cators (adults) can crush dreams,   prescriptive feedback protocols.
          took each day to arrive at the doorstep   extinguish hopes, and soften the   I have discovered many of us are timid
          of the school.                       desires of young people. Teachers    when it comes to prescribing feedback
          Over the years, I have often heard an   possess the power to speak positive   because we are afraid of an adver-
          uncredited quote, “when the student is   affirmations into the lives of children   sarial reaction from the receiver of the
          ready, the teacher/mentor will appear.”   each day. As you read this, reflect for   intended feedback. This can be the
          I entered the 5th grade as a hard to   a moment and consider how many     case within our own personal relation-
          tame 10-year-old who had blazed      opportunities you have during the    ships as well as the relationships we
          through several elementary school    day to use phrases such as:          have with colleagues and students. It
          teachers, leaving them thankful and    •  You’re brilliant!               is important to realize the absence of
          relieved to survive my matriculation                                      critical feedback can result in continued
          through early elementary education.    •  You’re on the path to success!   failure and missed learning opportuni-
          When I entered 5th grade, I finally met   •  This class wouldn’t be the same   ties for both teachers and students.
          the teacher who forever changed my       without you!                     Thinking back to my own childhood,
          life. Headed for what probably could   •  I made this lesson just for you!   I can recall many instances where
          have been explained as a disastrous   Just imagine the impact these words   I failed to utilize sound judgment
          educational experience, I desperately   can have on young people.         throughout my decision-making pro-
          needed a teacher capable of meeting                                       cess. My poor judgment usually led

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