Page 52 - EdViewptsSpring2019-web
P. 52
to a sit-down with my grandmother or feedback first inserted their own past- plex and impenetrable structures.
my mother. What I remember most failure into the context of their advice Like the roles played by the Guard-
about the sit-down is that my grand- to the receiver. This approach allows ians of the Summer in the “Concrete
mother or mother would usually start the receiver the opportunity to lower Jungle,” educational leaders and
the dialogue with the phrases: defensive dispositions that recipients teachers who place a purposeful onus
• “I’m telling you this because of critical feedback often experience. on building community have the pow-
I really love you, and I don’t Additionally, the prescriber’s critical erful ability to connect disengaged and
want you to make some of the feedback phrases listed above make disenfranchised students to the learn-
mistakes I made.” specific and targeted reference to the ing environment. Such teachers and
• “When I was your age, I wish I recipient's future-self. The prescriber's leaders possess an uncanny willing-
appeal to the receiver's future-self
had someone to tell me this..” serves as an indicator of growth and ness to soar far beyond the “content”
• “You have a future ahead of you, development. of what they are assigned to teach and
and I want to make sure you into the heavenly realm of creating
make it there…” We Are All Connected synergistic learning experiences laden
These are the phrases that helped Educators must be obsessed and with love, empathy, and a sincere
admiration for the learner.
open the portal of my growth and fascinated with finding ways to con-
development. nect the dots! Connecting the dots and As educational leaders, we not only
When prescribing feedback, be sure building relationships helps to birth the impact the lives of the students we
directly serve but we also impact the
to reveal your own vulnerability while known from the unknown. Similar to lives of those people they come in
also voicing a genuine interest in the the learning process, building strong contact with, as well. Thus, we must
future-self of the target of your critical relationships requires us to understand build bridges to the future!
feedback. You might have noticed in how points or coordinates connect and
the phrases above, the prescriber of transform simple constructs into com-
About the Author
Elford Rawls-Dill, Ph.D. is a life-long learner. Over the last 20 years, Dr. Rawls-Dill has devoted his
life to teaching, mentoring, coaching, and leading both students and staff in the New Jersey private and
public school sector. Dr. Rawls-Dill has successfully led the charge to increase student achievement
at the school and district level as a school administrator. Dr. Rawls-Dill currently serves in the role of
Director of Curriculum & Instruction in the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District.
Year 4
Thursday, July 25, 2019
8:30 am - 2 pm at FEA
Exit 8A
Breakfast and a barbecue
luncheon will be provided.
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Educational Viewpoints -50- Spring 2019