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Working Together to Bend the Arc
By Carl Cooper, K-12 Supervisor of Social Studies, and Dr. David Aderhold,
Superintendent of Schools, West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District
“The arc of the moral ate educational experiences for minority peaceful, just, inclusive, and secure
universe is long, but it students and students with disabilities. world, we write to vehemently disagree
In an innocuously named ‘Dear Col-
with the changes to federal policy and
bends toward justice.” league Letter,’ the federal government to, furthermore, advocate for collective
-Martin Luther King paraphrasing withdrew statements of policy and action to identify and redress systemic
a 19th century theologian. guidelines that were designed to as- inequity within American public schools.
sist public elementary and secondary
schools to administer student discipline What the Rescinded Policy
On December 21, 2018, the U.S. in a manner that does not discriminate and Guidance Said
Departments of Justice and Education based on race, sex, or disability (Dear Based upon a review of national school
issued a formal recommendation to Colleague Letter, 2018). As educators disciplinary data identified in both the
public and charter schools across the committed to developing schools that Government Accountability Office and
nation that will perpetuate educational empower learners and the creation of the Office of Civil Rights reports, the
inequity and promulgate disproportion- communities that contribute to a more
Educational Viewpoints -51- Spring 2019