Page 28 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 28

T H I N G S  T O  C O N S I D E R  W H E N

                   C R E A T I N G  B I R T H  P R E F E R E N C E S

      • Where do you want to give birth?                                       • Who would you like to catch or

      • Who do you want to have in the room?                                        discover the sex of the baby?
      • How do you feel about vaginal                                          • Who should cut the cord?
         examinations or monitoring for you and                                • Do you have plans for your cord or
      • How are you feeling about the birth?
                                                                               • How would you like to deliver the
      • How present do you want the care                                            placenta?
         provider to be?
                                                                               • How do you feel about guided
      • How did your previous births go if
         relevant?                                                                  pushing?

      • What do you want the atmosphere in                                     • Do you have any considerations in the
         the room to be – light, conversation,                                      case of caesarian birth?
         music, medical students or limited
         personnel.                                                            • Do you have plans for the first
                                                                                    moments and hours with your baby –
      • Do you have preferences about the
         comfort measures you’d like to use?                                        feeding, skin to skin, wiping baby,

      • Are there any additional requirements                                       weighing, newborn checks?
         or considerations that the medical team                               • What have you decided about
         should know?
                                                                                    Vitamin K?
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