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E X A M P L E  B I R T H  P R E F E R E N C E S

  – Physiological Birth                                                                                         Doula – Mary-Anne 07973496092
                                                                                                                     Partner – Bill 07496029683

   Thank you for taking the time to read our birth plan.

                    About me                                        Labour & Birth                             Monitoring of Baby

  Name – Ameillia Smith                             I would like to be free to walk around during labour.  I would prefer Electronic Foetal Monitoring kept
  Hospital # -                                      I wish to be able to move around and change position at will   to a minimum.
                                                    throughout labour.                                  I would prefer the use of hand held Doppler.
  Husband/Partner - Bill                            I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a
  Doula - Mary-Anne                                 minimum.
  1 birth – unplanned c-section                     I would like to be able to eat and drink as I wish.
  I suffer from anxiety attacks, but have this under control   We would like the Mother/Father to discover the sex of baby.
  with Citalopram 0.5mg per day
  I have an aversion to needles so please use ‘magic’ cream if

    Pain Management & Environment                                    Acceleration                         Unplanned Caesarean birth

  If I feel the need for pain management other than what is   I would like the amniotic membranes to release   We would like our baby skin-to-skin immediately.
  listed below, I will ask for it. Please do not offer it to me.  spontaneously.                        We would like delayed cord clamping as per
  Massage                                           I would like labour to be allowed to take its natural cause.  latest NICE guidelines.
  TENS Machine                                                                                          We would like the room kept quiet and the lights
  Music and aromatherapy                                                                                dimmed.
  Water                                                                                                 We would like a family centred caesarean.
  Gas & Air                                                                                             I would like heart monitor pads put on my back.
  I would like the environment to be kept as quiet as possible.                                         Cannula placed in less dominant hand and arm
  I would like the lights in the room to be kept low during my                                          left out of gown.
  I’m using Hypnotherapy

                 After the birth                                      Third Stage                                       Other

  I would like my baby to be delivered onto my tummy and   I would prefer that the umbilical cord stops pulsating before   We would like to be kept fully informed of all
  have skin to skin.                                it is cut.                                          developments and share in any discussions and
  I intend to breastfeed/formula feed               I am planning a physiological third stage.          decisions.
  I would like the Paediatrician to examine my baby in our   I would like to see my placenta.           We do/do not mind students being present.
  presence.                                         I’m keeping my placenta and have a cool box for it.
  We would like to be left alone after birth for bonding.  Father/mother would like to cut the cord.
  We would prefer our baby to have Vitamin K orally/injected
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