Page 34 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 34

I N  T H E  H O S P I T A L  B A G

     Mum Birth                                   Mum – Postnatal                 Birth Partner      Baby

     Hospital notes                              2 or 3 nursing bras             Phone              Nappies (allow 12 a day)
     Birth preferences                           Breast pads                     Charger            2 or 3 sleepsuits
     Nightdress / pyjamas                        Nipple cream                    Camera             2 or 3 vests
     Comfy Birth Clothes                         Stretch mark lotion             Toiletries         Muslin squares
     Slippers                                    Maternity pads/pants            Book               1 pair socks or booties
     Dressing gown                               Front opening night shirt,  Tablet for any  A suit for going home
     Socks                                       shirt or pyjamas                downtime           Blanket or shawl
     Snacks, e.g. bananas, cereal bars,          Toiletries                      Swimwear           Jacket or warm suit for winter

     honey, sweets, etc.                         Towels                          Snacks             babies
     Bottle of water with spout                  Hairbrush                       Water              Hat (usually supplied by hospital)
     Tablet                                      Plenty of big cotton pants                         Car seat (can easily be collected
     Phone and charger                           Maternity clothes for                              later if you have a substantial
     Tissues/wipes                               going home                                         amount of luggage or a visitor can
     Your pillow                                 Magazine or book                                   bring it to the hospital)
     Birth ball (check with hospital if they
     have them)
     Face cloths
     Fairy lights or electric candles

          ** For homebirth you still need to pack a bag
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