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B I R T H   P R E F E R E N C E S
    NAME: Joanne Smith                    Thank you for your help and support at the birth of my baby. This is my first baby, a little boy, and I have
                                          chosen a low-intervention, physiological birth in the midwife-led unit. I have been working with my doula to
    NHS NO: 551-820-2345                  practice slow breathing and natural comfort measures and would like as far as possible to create a calm, quiet
                                          environment to help me birth my baby. Once he arrives, I would like to have skin to skin and breastfeed as
    BIRTH PARTNER: Lauren Milligan (doula)
                                          soon as possible, and would really appreciate delaying all checks for a few hours. I understand that sometimes
                                          birth takes its own path, but these are my wishes all being well. I really appreciate your support and care at
    EDD: 22/04/2021
                                          the birth of my baby.

   I would like to have a calm physiological birth, so would ask that birth be allowed to take its own course providing it is deemed safe by my care team. I would
   like a quiet, dimly lit environment for birth with as few people as possible in the birth space. I would like to be able to eat, move freely, and use any other
   comfort measures I need supported by my doula, Lauren. I have practiced natural comfort measures including slow breathing, massage and positions and also
   intend to use gas and air. I do not wish to be offered other pain relief - and if I want any interventions, including an epidural, I will ask. I will have vaginal
   examinations and heart tone monitoring as necessary, but would ask that interruptions are kept to a minimum.

   I would like to have skin to skin contact
   with my baby as soon as possible and
   initiate breastfeeding. If my baby needs
   to leave the room for any reason, I would
   like Lauren to accompany him. I would
   like to delay weighing, measuring and
   other checks for a few hours to allow me
   to spend the first few hours getting to
   know him and practising feeding. I am
   happy for Vitamin K to be administered
   by injection and will take my care team’s
   advice about the delivery of the placenta.
   I would like to catch the baby and cut the
   cord myself, if possible, and for the
   clamping to be delayed as long as
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