Page 36 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 36

W H Y  M I N D S E T

         M A T T E R S

      • The early part of labour can trick your mind
        and make you want to “do something” to
        make things happen, but it’s important to
        remember you are doing something: your
        body is getting ready.

      • Resisting the urge to ”get things moving”
        will help avoid frustration as well as
        unwanted interventions.


      • Don’t time contractions too early – ignore
        them and do life for as long as you can, and
        once they become stronger go somewhere
        quiet and calm.

      • Don’t focus on finding a pattern or feel
        disappointed when they are not “organised”
        – labour just isn’t in full swing yet.
      • Try to find positive associations with each
        contraction – every one, even when
        irregular – are bringing you closer to baby.
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