Page 40 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 40

P O S I T I O N S  O F  B A B Y

           •   cephalic position - About 95 percent of babies drop
               down into the head-first position a few weeks or
               days before their due date
           •   Back-to-back baby
           •   Breech baby – a baby is not considered breech until
               after 37 weeks – babies can change position during

           Resources for optimal positioning
           Miles circuit
           Forward leaning inversion
           Cat / Cow
           Spinning babies

        • Historically women carried out more physical work
          during pregnancy, walking, scrubbing floors etc
        • Birth ball, car seat, walking more, more upright on sofa

                                                                         Baby in the optimal position for birth

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