Page 41 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 41

T H E  M E M B R A N E  S W E E P

       Most commonly offered intervention – and often not described as an intervention by caregivers. So
       what is the evidence?


       Decreases the length of pregnancy by an average of four days

       Can reduce the need for induction for medical reasons.


       Can cause pain and bleeding.

       Can begin strong irregular contractions that can be painful – “uterine irritability”.

       Waters can be accidentally broken (9% of sweeps)

       Can result in stop-start contractions and long labour

       No scientific evidence to support having a sweep


       We should think carefully about having it done without clear medical necessity.

                                                    National Institute for clinical excellence (NICE):

        “Induction of labour has a large impact on the birth experience of women and their babies and so needs to be clinically justified. It may be less efficient
             and is usually more painful than spontaneous labour. Epidural and assisted delivery are more likely to be needed if labour has been induced”
               From 42 weeks, women who decline induction should be offered increased antenatal monitoring consisting of twice weekly scans/ check ups
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