Page 39 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 39

W H E N  T O  G O  T O  T H E  B I R T H  S P A C E

  Go To The Birth Space When Contractions Are:                              Call Your Midwife (home or hospital) if:

  • Recurring 3 in 10 mins (beginning to                                    • You experience bleeding
       beginning)                                                           • Your waters break

  • Consistent for an hour                                                  • You have severe abdominal pain,

  • Each lasting 45 to 60 secs (The “3-1-1”)                                    vomiting or headache

  • Taking all your focus                                                   • Baby’s movements reduce or slow
                                                                            • You’re less than 37 weeks pregnant
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