NFF News March 2020
P. 1

 The Official Newsletter of the
National Federation of Fishmongers
   NFF News
• NFF AGM & Council News • National Minimum Wage Increase
• Fishing News Awards 2020 • Seafood 2040 • Ken’s Column
• Master Fishmonger Standard • Fish Friday 2020 • Seafish Onshore Training • Hastings Herring Fair • 60 Seconds • Diary Dates
A Message from your President
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow NFF councillors for re-electing me as your president for this forthcoming year. It is a great honour and I look forward to representing the Federation in this, it’s 88th Year.
Last August, The 2019 British Fish Craft Championships were back in Cardif - we were blessed with some fantastic weather and some tightly fought competition. My thanks go to all the sponsors, competitors and not least, competition organiser, Gary Hooper and his team - who helped to make the day such a great success.
With Brexit finally happening, 2020 looks to be an interesting year ahead. As fishmongers we all hope the outcome will be beneficial for our catching sector and help to make more of the fabulous fish we have around our shores available for our counters and displays.
The National Federation of Fishmongers is the UK's largest trade Federation for fishmongers and associated trades, as an independent fishmonger myself, I’m passionate about my profession and proud to be a member. I would encourage all members to help in promoting the Federation to your colleagues and fellow fishmongers as we look to continue to grow our membership.
Wishing you all a prosperous 2020!
Giles Shaw
  NFFNews March 2020

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