Page 129 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 129

128    Part 2   •  Planning
                                                                              hoW CAn ElECTronIC mEETIngS EnhAnCE
                                                                              grouP dECISIon mAkIng?  Another approach
                                                                              to group decision making blends the nominal group
                                                                              technique with information technology and is
                                                                              called the electronic meeting.
                                                                                  Once the technology is in place, the concept is
                                                                              simple. Numerous people sit around a table with lap-
                                                                              tops or tablets. Participants are presented issues and
                                                                              type their responses onto their computers. Individual
                                                                              comments, as well as aggregate votes, are displayed
                                                                              on a projection screen in the room.
                                                                                  The major advantages of electronic meetings
                                                                              are anonymity, honesty, and speed.  Participants
                                                                              can anonymously type any message they want, and
                                                                              it will flash on the screen for all to see with a key-
                                                                              stroke. It allows people to be brutally honest with no
                                                                              penalty.  And it’s fast—chitchat is eliminated, dis-
                                                               Bloomberg/Getty Images  cussions do not digress, and many participants can
                Brainstorming is an important way of                          “talk” at once without interrupting the others.
                improving group decision making at SAP AG,
                a provider of enterprise software. Employees   Electronic meetings are significantly faster and much cheaper than traditional face-to-
                working at SAP headquarters in Walldorf,    face meetings.  Nestlé, for instance, uses the approach for many of its meetings, especially
                Germany, use white boards during a    globally focused meetings.  However, as with all other forms of group activities, electronic
                brainstorming session to develop product
                and service innovations following the    meetings have some drawbacks. Those who type quickly can outshine those who may be
                company’s decision to target the growing   verbally eloquent but lousy typists; those with the best ideas don’t get credit for them; and the
                online software market.
                                              process lacks the informational richness of face-to-face oral communication. However, group
                                              decision making is likely to include extensive usage of electronic meetings. 43
                                                  A variation of the electronic meeting is the videoconference. Using technology to link
                                              different locations, people can have face-to-face meetings even when they’re thousands
                                              of miles apart. This capability has enhanced feedback among the members, saved count-
                                              less hours of business travel, and ultimately saved companies such as Nestlé and Logitech
                                              hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially during the recent global recession. As a  result,
                                              they’re  more  effective  in their  meetings  and  have  increased  the  efficiency with  which
                                                decisions are made. 44

                What Contemporary Decision-Making Issues

                Do Managers Face?

                    4-5     Discuss                            Bad decisions can cost millions.

                          contemporary         Today’s business world revolves around making decisions, often risky ones, usually with
                          issues in              incomplete or inadequate information, and under intense time pressure. Most managers
                          managerial           make one decision after another; and as if that weren’t challenging enough, more is at stake
                          decision making.     than ever before since bad decisions can cost millions. We’re going to look at three  important
                                               issues—❶ national culture,  ❷ creativity and design thinking, and  ❸ big data—that
                                                 managers face in today’s fast-moving and global world.

                                              How Does national Culture Affect Managers’ Decision Making?

                                              Research shows that, to some extent, decision-making practices differ from country to coun-
                electronic meeting            try.  The way decisions are made—whether by group, by team members, participatively, or
                A type of nominal group technique in which    autocratically by an individual manager—and the degree of risk a decision maker is willing to
                participants are linked by computer
                                              take are just two examples of decision variables that reflect a country’s cultural environment.
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