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On,” New York Times Online, De-
                                                                             tional Strategies for Handling Job
                     35.  These definitions are based on T.    44.  See, for instance, J. E. Perry-  CHAPTER 8   •  Managing Change and Innovation    285
                       M. Amabile, Creativity in Context   Smith, “Social Yet Creative: The   Stress,”  Personnel  Psychology,   cember 22, 2014; The Associated
                       (Boulder, CO:  Westview Press,   Role of Social Relationships   Spring 1979, 1–38; M. T. Matteson   Press, “Avon Products Announces
                       1996).                     in Facilitating Individual Cre-  and J. M. Ivancevich, “Individual   Another Round of Job Cuts,” New
                     36.  C.  Salter,  “Mattel  Learns to   ativity,”  Academy of Manage-  Stress Management Interventions:   York Times Online, June 24, 2014;
                       ‘Throw  the  Bunny,’”  Fast  Com-  ment Journal (February 2006):   Evaluation  of Techniques,”  Jour-  D. Henschen, “Avon Pulls Plug on
                       pany, November 2002, 22; and L.   85–101; C. E. Shalley, J. zhou,   nal of Management Psychology   $125 Million SAP Project,” http://
                       Bannon, “Think Tank in Toyland,”   and G. R. Oldham, “The Ef-  (January 1987): 24–30; and K. M.
                       Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2002,   fects of Personal and Contex-  Richardson and H. R. Rothstein,   software/enterprise-applications/
                       B1, B3.                    tual Characteristics on Creativ-  “Effects of Occupational Stress   avon-pulls-plug-on-125-million-
                     37.  C. Vogel and J. Cagan,  Creating   ity: Where Should We Go from   Management Intervention  Pro-  sap-project/d/d-id/1113061, De-
                       Breakthrough Products:  Innova-  Here?”  Journal of Management   grams: A Meta-Analysis,” Journal   cember 12, 2013; and A. Martin,
                       tion  from  Product  Planning  to   30, no. 6 (2004): 933–58; J. E.   of Occupational Health Psychol-  “Avon Chairwoman to Quit Earlier
                       Program Approval (Upper Saddle   Perry-Smith and C. E. Shalley,   ogy (January 2008): 69–93.  Than Expected,”  New York Times
                       River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002).  “The Social Side of Creativity: A    51.  S. Ember, “Under  Armour Is   Online, October 5, 2012.
                     38.  R. Tate, “Google Couldn’t Kill 20   Static and Dynamic Social Net-  Swinging for the Stars,”  New    53.  K. Dunn, “Employee  Turnover
                       Percent  Time Even If It  Wanted   work Perspective”; J. M. George   York  Times  Online,  June  14,   and Suicide: It Turns out the Re-
                       To,”, August 21, 2013;   and J. zhou, “When Openness to   2015; 2014 Annual Report, “Let-  sponse to Either Is the Same,”
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                       sist 20% Time Is Not Dead—It’s   ness  Are Related  to  Creative  2011; S. Mahoney, “Stress Less,
                       Just Turned  into  120% Time,”   Behavior: An  Interactional Ap-  UARM/165448209x0x816471/   Accomplish More,” Good House-
             ,  August 16, 2013; R.   proach,” Journal of Applied Psy-  3BEBC664-8584-4F22-AC0B-  keeping, May 2010, 57; A. Chri-
                       Neimi, “Inside the Moonshot Fac-  chology (June 2001): 513–24;   844CB2949814/UA_2014_   safis,  “France  Telecom Worker
                       tory,”  Bloomberg BusinessWeek,   J. zhou, “Feedback  Valence,   Annual_Report.PDF, January 31,   Kills Himself in Office Car Park,”
                       May 22, 2013, 56–61; and  A.   Feedback Style, Task Autonomy,   2015; B. Horovitz, “In Search of (April 27,
                       Foege, “The Trouble with Tinker-  and  Achievement  Orientation:   Next Big Thing,” USA Today, July   2011); Reuters, “France Telecom
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                       R. W. Griffin, “Toward a Theory of   T. M.  Amabile, R. Conti, H.   and  Fourth  Quarter  EPS  Growth   “Aspect of the Job That Workers
                       Organizational Creativity,”  Acad-  Coon, J. Lazenby, and M. Her-  of  40%,”  investor.underarmour.  Find  the Most  Stressful,”  USA
                       emy of Management Review, April   ron, “Assessing the  Work Envi-  com, January 26, 2012; D. Rob-  Today, April 20, 2011, 1A; “Sur-
                       1993, 293–321.             ronment for Creativity,”  Acad-  erts, “Under  Armour Gets Seri-  vey,”  Shape, April 2011, 48; M.
                     40.  T. M. Egan, “Factors Influenc-  emy of Management Journal   ous,” Fortune, November 7, 2011,   V. Rafter, “The Yawning of New
                       ing Individual Creativity in the   (October 1996): 1154–84; S. G.   153–62; E. Olson, “Under Armour   Era,”  Workforce Management
                       Workplace:  An Examination of   Scott and R.  A. Bruce, “Deter-  Applies Its Muscle to Shoes,”   Online, December 2010; C. Haus-
                       Quantitative Empirical Research,”   minants of Innovative People: A   New York  Times  Online, August   man, “Millions of U.K.  Work-
                       Advances in Developing Human   Path Model of Individual Innova-  8, 2011; M.  Townsend, “Under   ers Lie to Bosses about Stress-
                       Resources, May 2005, 160–81;   tion in the Workplace,” Academy   Armour’s  Daring  Half-Court  Induced Days,”  Global Ethics
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                       M. G. Pratt, “There’s No Place   1994): 580–607; R. Moss Kant-  November 1–7, 2010, 24–25; and   Holbrook, “Beneath the Bell Jar:
                       Like Home?  The Contributions   er,  “When a  Thousand Flowers   E. Olson, “Under Armour  Wants   Companies Confront a Rise in
                       of  Work and Nonwork Creativ-  Bloom: Structural, Collective,   to Dress Athletic Young Women,”   Workplace Suicides,”  Risk Man-
                       ity  Support  to  Employees’  Cre-  and  Social  Conditions  for  Inno-  New York  Times  Online, August   agement, November 2010, 6–8;
                       ative Performance,”  Academy of   vation in Organization,” in B. M.   31, 2010.  “Survey: 30 Percent of Managers
                       Management  Journal (August   Staw and L. L. Cummings (eds.),    52.  N. Turner and L. Coleman-Loch-  under More Stress,”  Workforce
                       2002): 757–67;  T. M.  Amabile,   Research in Organizational Be-  ner, “Avon Shares Fall on Report   Management Online, September
                       C. N. Hadley, and S. J. Kramer,   havior, vol. 10 (Greenwich, CT:   That Buyers Haven’t Material-  22, 2010; M. Colchester, “France
                       “Creativity Under the Gun,” Har-  JAI Press, 1988), 169–211; and   ized,”  Télécom Faces Inquiry over Sui-
                       vard Business Review, August   Amabile, Creativity in Context.  news/articles/2015-05-05/avon-  cides,”  New York  Times  Online,
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                       “Employee Creativity:  Personal   March 1994, 29–33; T. Stjernberg   com/news/articles/2015-04-30/  com,”  Workforce  Management,
                       and Contextual Factors at Work,”   and  A. Philips, “Organizational   avon-misses-earnings-estimates-  March 2010, 6–8; C. Stievenard,
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                       manpour, “Organizational Innova-  of-Fire as Critical Factors of   S. Lublin, “Lackluster  Avon Ex-  ment Online, www.workforce.
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                       of Determinants and Moderators,”   Relations, October 1993, 1193–  Journal, April 28, 2015, A1+; B.   and M. Colchester, “Morale Is
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                     41.  P. R. Monge, M. D. Cozzens, and   Business Quarterly, Spring 1990,   the Unit,”  2010, B2; R. Bender and M. Col-
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                       and Motivational Predictors of the    48.  J. Liedtka and T. Ogilvie, Design-  avon-u-s-overhaul-may-be-better-  on  Morale,”  Wall  Street  Journal
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                       novations,” Organization Science,   Tool Kit for Managers, (New York:   15, 2015; J. S. Lublin and E. By-  4, 2010;  The Associated  Press,
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                       S. J. Kramer, “Creativity Under    49.  R. E. Silverman, “Companies  Times Online, October 6, 2009;
                       the Gun.”                  Change Their Way  of Thinking,”   explores-strategic-alternatives-   J. Lichfield and A. Mauviel, The
                     43.  N. Madjar, G. R. Oldham, and   Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2012,   1429030371,  April  14,  2015;  P.   Independent, www.independent.
                       M. G. Pratt, “There’s No Place   B8; and R. L. Martin, “The Inno-  Wahba, “Avon’s in a Ding-Dong, September 30, 2009; and
                       Like Home?  The Contributions   vation Catalysts,”  Harvard Busi-  Battle to Stay in Business,” http://  D. Jolly and M. Saltmarsh, “Sui-
                       of Work and Nonwork Creativity   ness Review, June 2011, 82–87., April  14,   cides in France Put Focus on
                       Support to Employees’ Creative    50.  Based on J. E. Newman and T. A.   2015; P. J. Henning, “Foreign Brib-  Workplace,” New York Times On-
                        Performance.”             Beehr, “Personal and Organiza-  ery Cases That Can Drag on and   line, September 30, 2009.
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