Page 289 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 289

organizations want to  attract   person can behave one way one day and a

                    Most                      and retain  employees  with      completely different way another day. For

                                the  right  attitudes  and  personality.  They   instance, haven’t you seen family members,

                                want people who show up and work hard,         friends, or coworkers behave in ways that

                                get along with coworkers and customers,        prompted you to wonder: Why did they do

                                have good attitudes, and exhibit good work     that? In this chapter, we look at four psy-

                                  behaviors in other ways. But as you’re prob-  chological aspects—attitudes, personality,

                                ably already aware, people don’t always          perception, and learning—and how these

                                  behave like that “ideal” employee. They      things can help managers understand the

                                may job hop at the first opportunity or they   behavior of those people they work with. We

                                may post critical comments in blogs. People    conclude the chapter by looking at contempo-

                                  differ in their behaviors and even the same   rary  behavioral issues facing managers. •

                   Learning Outcomes

                       9-1    Identify the focus and goals of organizational behavior (OB).  p. 289

                       9-2    Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance.  p. 291

                       9-3    Describe different personality theories.  p. 294

                       9-4    Describe perception and the factors that influence it.  p. 301

                       9-5    Discuss learning theories and their relevance in shaping behavior.  p. 305

                       9-6    Discuss contemporary issues in OB.  p. 308

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