Page 346 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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CHAPTER 10   •  Understanding Groups and Managing Work Teams    345
                    Case appLICaTIon  2

                    The Cardinal Way

                            hen you think of teams, do you automatically think   includes such details as the position a catcher should take on
                            of sports teams? For most of us, that was our first   a 3-2 count and the fine distinctions of 12 different ground
                    Wintroduction to the concept of teams. Well, there’s    balls a second baseman might face.
                    one sports team that is a perfect illustration of what an effective   •  Coaches understand the importance of teaching the  details.
                    team is all about: the St. Louis Cardinals.  What can we learn   Team players are “taught” and “coached” in real-time
                    about effective teams from them? Their record speaks for itself:   through a continual focus on improving their skills. Coaches
                                                                            help players learn from immediate game experiences. The
                    the Cardinals, in the last four years (2011–2014), have won one   pitching coaches and the batting coaches are right there
                    World Series and two pennants, and achieved four consecutive     refining players’ behaviors during a game.
                    playoff spots for the first time; in the last 15 years (2000–  •  Culture of success, care, and support. This is an organiza-
                    2014), the team has been to the playoffs 11 times, participated   tion with a deep history of success. There’s an air of con-
                    in  more  playoff  games  than                                                 fidence that they’re going to
                    any team since 2009, and had                                                   win.  There’s the expectation
                    only  one losing  season;  since   WINNING Team—Winning                        that they will play the game the
                    1960, the Cards have had con-             APProAch                             right way.  Traditions are cel-
                                                                                                   ebrated and embraced.  Team
                    secutive losing seasons just                                                   members genuinely care about
                    once (yes, once) in 55 years, in                                               each other. When a teammate
                    the years 1994 and 1995. The Cardinals organization is a well-  was killed in a car accident at the end of the 2014 season, all
                    managed team, both on the field and behind the scenes. How   pulled together in compassion and concern.
                    have  they  managed  these  accomplishments?  Here  are  some   The Cardinal  Way is, at its very heart, an organizational
                    keys to their success:                                  philosophy that guides all team members—from the team on
                    •  Talent development. The Cardinals organization finds ways   the field to the coach staff to the front office staff to the market-
                      to maximize its people and the skills they bring to the team.   ing team and all others in the organization. Play ball!
                      Their talent development process often grabs less-gifted mi-
                      nor league players (for less money) and transforms them into
                      major-league contributors. How? Through its well-run farm   Discussion Questions
                      system. Players in the Cards’ AAA, AA, and A leagues are
                      repeatedly reminded that this organization likes to win and   10-18  How does the St. Louis Cardinals organization  epitomize
                      knows it can win.                                         teamwork?
                    •  Intense focus on the fundamentals (the tasks) of the game.   10-19  Do you think sports teams, like the St. Louis Cardinals, go
                      The Cardinals play fundamentally sound baseball—they     through the stages of group development? Why or why not?
                      know their business and they execute. (Or, using the words   10-20  Using Exhibit 10–6 as your guide, discuss how the St. Louis
                      of the Nike slogan, they “Just Do It!) Players and coaches   Cardinals organization creates effective teams.
                      religiously use the 86-page operations manual (titled, of   10-21  What could other organizations (even non-sports ones) learn
                      course, “The Cardinal  Way”) as their guide.  The manual   from the St. Louis Cardinals?
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