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Endnotes                           CHAPTER 10   •  Understanding Groups and Managing Work Teams    347

                      1.  B.  Mezrich,  Bringing  Down  the   Loafing: Its Antecedents and Con-  T. Boles, “Viewpoint—Leadership    27.  See, for instance, D. C. Jones and
                       House:  The Inside Story of Six   sequences in Undergraduate Busi-  Lessons from NASCAR,”  Indus-  T. Kato, “The Impact of Teams on
                       MIT Students Who Took Vegas for   ness Classroom Teams,” Academy   try Week,   Output, Quality, and Downtime:
                       Millions (New  York: Free Press,   of Management Learning & Edu-  (May 21, 2002).  An Empirical Analysis Using Indi-
                       2002). The 2008 film 21 was a fic-  cation, March 2009, 42–54; and    19.  M. Cianni and D. Wanuck, “Indi-  vidual Panel Data,” Industrial and
                       tional work based loosely on the   R. Albanese and D. D. Van Fleet,   vidual Growth and Team Enhance-  Labor Relations Review, January
                       story.                     “Rational Behavior in Groups:   ment:  Moving  Toward  a  New   2011, 215–40; A. Gilley, J. W. Gil-
                      2.  B. W. Tuckman and M. C. Jensen,   The Free Riding Tendency,” Acad-  Model of Career Development,”   ley, C. W. McConnell, and A. Ve-
                       “Stages of Small-Group Develop-  emy of Management Review, April   Academy of Management Execu-  liquette, “The Competencies Used
                       ment Revisited,”  Group and Or-  1985, 244–55.        tive, February 1997, 105–15.  by Effective Managers to Build
                       ganizational Studies, December     9.  L. Berkowitz, “Group Standards,    20.  C. Joinson, “Teams at Work,” 30;   Teams: An Empirical Study,” Ad-
                       1977, 419–27; and M. F. Maples,   Cohesiveness, and  Productivity,”   and “Teams,”  Training (October   vances in Developing Human Re-
                       “Group Development: Extending   Human  Relations,  November  1996): 69.         sources, February 2010, 29–45;
                       Tuckman’s Theory,”  Journal for   1954, 509–19.    21.  J.  P.  Millikin,  P.  W.  Hom,  and   M.  A. Campion, G. J. Medsker,
                       Specialists in Group  Work (Fall    10.  From the Past to the Present box   C. C. Manz, “Self-Management   and C.  A. Higgs, “Relations be-
                       1988): 17–23.              based on S. S. Wang, “Under the   Competencies  in Self-Managing   tween Work Group Characteristics
                      3.  L. N. Jewell and H. J. Reitz, Group   Influence: How the Group Chang-  Teams:  Their  Impact  on  Multi-  and  Effectiveness:  Implications
                       Effectiveness in Organizations   es What We  Think,”  Wall Street   Team  System  Productivity,”  for Designing Effective  Work
                       (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman,   Journal, May 3, 2011, D1+; M. E.   Leadership Quarterly, October   Groups,”  Personnel Psychology,
                       1981); and M. Kaeter, “Repotting   Shaw, Group Dynamics: The Psy-  2010, 687–702; O.  Turel and   Winter 1993, 823–50; and J. R.
                       Mature Work  Teams,”  Training   chology of Small Group Behavior   Y. Zhang, “Does  Virtual  Team   Hackman, “The Design of  Work
                       (April 1994): 54–56.       (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975);   Composition Matter?  Trait and   Teams,” in J.  W. Lorsch (ed.),
                      4.  Question of Ethics box based on   and E. J. Thomas and C. F. Fink,   Problem-Solving Configuration   Handbook of Organizational Be-
                       S. Shellenbarger, “Office Over-  “Effects of Group Size,”  Psy-  Effects on  Team Performance,”   havior  (Upper  Saddle  River,  NJ:
                       sharers: Don’t  Tell Us about   chological Bulletin (July 1963):   Behavior & Information Technol-  Prentice Hall, 1987), 315–42.
                       Last Night,”  Wall Street Journal,   371–84.          ogy, July–August 2010, 363–75;    28.  This model is based on M.  A.
                       June 25, 2014, D2; E. Bernstein,    11.  Cited in  T. Purdum, “Teaming,   J. S. Bunderson and P. Boumgar-  Campion, E. M. Papper, and G.
                       “Thank  You for Not Sharing,”   Take 2,” Industry Week, May 2005,   den,  “Structure  and  Learning in   J. Medsker, “Relations between
                       Wall Street Journal, May 7, 2013,   43; and C. Joinson, “Teams at   Self-Managed  Teams: Why  ‘Bu-  Work  Team Characteristics and
                       D1+; P. Klaus, “Thank  You for   Work,” HR Magazine, May 1999,   reaucratic’  Teams Can Be Better   Effectiveness:  A Replication and
                       Sharing. But Why at the Office?”   30.                Learners,”  Organization Science,   Extension,”  Personnel  Psychol-
                       New York  Times  Online, August    12.  See, for example, S. A. Mohrman,   May–June 2010, 609–24; and G.   ogy, Summer 1996, 429–52; D. E.
                       18, 2012; K. McCullum, “Hush,   S. G. Cohen, and A. M. Mohrman   M. Spreitzer, S. G. Cohen, and G.   Hyatt and T. M. Ruddy, “An Ex-
                       Hush,”  OfficePro, March–April   Jr.,  Designing Team-Based  Orga-  E. Ledford Jr., “Developing Effec-  amination of the Relationship be-
                       2011, 18–22; and E. Bernstein,   nizations (San Francisco: Jossey-  tive  Self-Managing Work  Teams   tween Work Group Characteristics
                       “You Did What? Spare the Office   Bass, 1995); P. MacMillan,  The   in Service Organizations,” Group   and Performance: Once More into
                       the Details,” Wall Street Journal,   Performance Factor:  Unlocking   &  Organization Management,   the Breech,”  Personnel Psychol-
                       April 6, 2010, D1+.        the Secrets of  Teamwork (Nash-  September 1999, 340–66.  ogy, Autumn 1997, 553–85; S. G.
                      5.  S. E.  Asch, “Effects of Group   ville,  TN: Broadman & Holman,    22.  “Meet the New Steel,”  Fortune,   Cohen and D. E. Bailey, “What
                       Pressure upon the Modification   2001);  and  E.  Salas,  C. A.  Bow-  October 1, 2007, 68–71.  Makes Teams Work: Group Effec-
                       and  Distortion  of  Judgments,”  in   ers, and E. Eden (eds.),  Improv-   23.  J. Appleby and R. Davis, “Team-  tiveness Research from the Shop
                       H. Guetzkow (ed.), Groups, Lead-  ing  Teamwork in Organizations:   work Used to Save Money; Now   Floor to the Executive Suite,”
                       ership, and Men (Pittsburgh, PA:   Applications of Resource Man-  It Saves Lives,” USA Today, www.  Journal of Management (Septem-
                       Carnegie Press, 1951), 177–90.  agement Training (Mahwah, NJ:   usatoday. com (March 1, 2001).  ber 1997): 239–90; L. Thompson,
                      6.  See, for example, R. A. Henry, J.   Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002).   24.  A. Malhotra,  A. Majchrzak, R.   Making  the Team (Upper Saddle
                       Kmet, and  A. Landa, “Examin-   13.  Information for this section is   Carman,  and  V.  Lott,  “Radical   River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000),
                       ing  the  Impact  of Interpersonal   based on J. R. Katzenbach and D.   Innovation without Collocation:   18–33; and J. R. Hackman, Lead-
                       Cohesiveness on Group Accuracy   K. Smith,  The Wisdom  of  Teams   A Case Study at Boeing-Rocket-  ing  Teams: Setting the Stage for
                       Interventions: The  Importance   (Boston: Harvard Business School   dyne,” MIS Quarterly, June 2001,   Great  Performance  (Boston:
                       of Matching versus Buffering,”   Press, 1993), 21, 45, 85; and D.   229–49.     Harvard Business School Press,
                       Organizational Behavior and Hu-  C. Kinlaw,  Developing Superior    25.  A. Stuart, “Virtual  Agreement,”   2002).
                       man Decision Processes (January   Work Teams (Lexington, MA:   CFO, November 2007, 24.   29.  See M. Mattson, T. V. Mumford,
                       2002): 25–43.              Lexington Books, 1991), 3–21.   26.  Technology and the Manager’s Job   and G. S. Sintay, “Taking Teams
                      7.  Asch, “Effects of Group Pressure    14.  S.  Adams and L. Kydoniefs,   box based on K. Lee, “17  Tools   to  Task: A Normative Model for
                       upon the Modification and Distor-  “Making  Teams Work:  Bureau   for Remote Workers,” http://www   Designing or Recalibrating  Work
                       tion of Judgments.”        of Labor Statistics Learns  What  Teams,” paper presented at the Na-
                      8.  O. A. Alnuaimi,  L.  P.  Robert  Jr.,   Works and What Doesn’t,” Quality   tools-for-remote-workers, Novem-  tional  Academy of Management
                       and L. M. Maruping, “Team Size,   Progress (January 2000): 43–49.  ber 12, 2014; C. Mims, “Use of   Conference,   Chicago,  August
                       Dispersion, and Social Loafing    15.  D. Hoffman, “At Wachovia, Fund   Voice Is Key to Managing Teams,”   1999; and G. L. Stewart and M.
                       in  Technology-Supported  Teams:   Teams Work: Bank’s Buddy Sys-  Wall Street Journal, September   R. Barrick, “Team Structure and
                       A Perspective on the  Theory of   tem Improves Performance,”  In-  23, 2014, B1+; “Virtual  Team   Performance:  Assessing the Me-
                       Moral  Disengagement,”  Journal   vestment News (February 2001): 8.  Collaboration  and  Innovation  diating Role of Intrateam Process
                       of Management Information Sys-   16.  T. Capozzoli, “How to Succeed   in Organizations,”  Team Perfor-  and the Moderating Role of Task
                       tems (Summer 2010): 203–30; C.   with Self-Directed Work Teams,”   mance Management, March 2011,   Type,”  Academy of Management
                       Cheshire and J. Antin, “None of   Supervision (February 2002):   109–19; M. Flammia,  Y. Cleary,   Journal (April 2000): 135–48.
                       Us Is as Lazy as All of Us,”  In-  25–27.             and D. M. Slattery, “Leadership    30.  SmartPulse, “How Effectively
                       formation, Communication & So-   17.  See, for instance, E. Sunstrom,   Roles, Socioemotional Strategies,   Does Your  Team  Communicate
                       ciety, June 2010, 537–55; R. van   DeMeuse, and D.  Futrell,  “Work   and Technology Use of Irish and   Using New Electronic Channels?”
                       Dick, J. Stellmacher, U.  Wagner,   Teams:  Applications and Effec-  US Students in  Virtual  Teams,”   Smart Brief on Leadership, www
                       G. Lemmer, and P. A. Tissington,   tiveness,” American Psychologist,   IEEE  Transactions on Profes-, Octo-
                       “Group Membership Salience and   February 1990, 120–33.  sional Communication, June 2010,   ber 7, 2014.
                       Task Performance,”  Journal of    18.  J.  S. McClenahen, “Bearing  Ne-  89–101; P. Evans, “The Wiki Fac-   31.  “Virtual  Team Collaboration and
                       Managerial Psychology 24, no.   cessities,” Industry Week, October   tor,”  BizEd,  January–February   Innovation in Organizations”;
                       7 (2009): 609–26; A. Jassawalla,   2004, 63–65; P. J. Kiger, “Acxiom   2006, 28–32; and M. McCafferty,   M. Flammia,  Y. Cleary, and D.
                       H. Sashittal, and  A. Malshe,   Rebuilds from Scratch,”  Work-  “A Human Inventory,” CFO, April   M. Slattery, “Leadership Roles,
                       “Students’ Perceptions of Social   force, December 2002, 52–55; and   2005, 83–85.  Socioemotional  Strategies,  and
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