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348    Part 4   •  Leading
                    Technology Use of Irish and U.S.   velopment,” Academy of Manage-  in  Self-Managed  Teams: Why   of Performance Feedback on Fu-
                    Students  in  Virtual  Teams”; A.   ment Review, July 2001, 377–96;   ‘Bureaucratic’  Teams Can Be   ture Group Performance,”  Group
                    Malhotra,  A. Majchrzak, and B.   and K. T. Dirks, “Trust in Leader-  Better Learners”; and R.  Wage-  & Organization Management,
                    Rosen,  “Leading Virtual  Teams,”   ship and Team Performance: Evi-  man, “Critical Success Factors for   September 2003, 366–91.
                    Academy of Management Perspec-  dence from NCAA Basketball,”   Creating Superb Self-Managing    44.  SmartPulse, “How Effectively Do
                    tives, February 2007, 60–70; B. L.   Journal of  Applied Psychology   Teams,”  Organizational Dynam-  You Resolve Conflict with Oth-
                    Kirkman and J. E. Mathieu, “The   (December 2000): 1004–12.  ics, Summer 1997, 55.  ers?” Smart Brief on Leadership,
                    Dimensions and  Antecedents of    34.  R. R. Hirschfeld, M. J. Jordan,    41.  Campion, Papper, and Medsker,, April  21,
                    Team Virtuality,” Journal of Man-  H. S. Field,  W. F. Giles, and  A.   “Relations  between Work  Team   2015.
                    agement (October 2005): 700–18;   A. Armenakis,  “Becoming  Team   Characteristics and Effective-   45.  K. C. Kostopoulos and N. Bozio-
                    J.  Gordon,  “Do  Your  Virtual   Players: Team Members’ Mastery   ness,” 430; B. L. Kirkman and   nelos, “Team Exploratory and
                    Teams Deliver Only  Virtual Per-  of Team Knowledge as a Predictor   B. Rosen, “Powering Up Teams,”   Exploitative  Learning:  Psycho-
                    formance?” Training (June 2005):   of Team Task Proficiency and Ob-  Organizational Dynamics,  Winter   logical Safety, Task Conflict, and
                    20–25; L. L. Martins, L. L. Gil-  served Teamwork  Effectiveness,”   2000, 48–66; and D. C. Man and   Team Performance,”  Group &
                    son, and M. T. Maynard, “Virtual   Journal of Applied Psychology 91,   S. S. K. Lam, “The Effects of   Organization  Management,  June
                    Teams:  What Do  We Know and   no. 2 (2006): 467–74.  Job Complexity and  Autonomy   2011, 385–415; K. J. Behfar, E.
                    Where Do  We Go from Here?”    35.  S.  T. Bell, “Deep-Level  Com-  on Cohesiveness in Collectivist   A. Mannix, R. S. Peterson, and W.
                    Journal of Management (Decem-  position  Variables as Predictors   and Individualist  Work Groups:   M.  Trochim, “Conflict in Small
                    ber 2004): 805–35; S. A. Furst, M.   of  Team Performance:  A  Meta-  A Cross-Cultural Analysis,” Jour-  Groups:  The Meaning and Con-
                    Reeves, B. Rosen, and R. S. Black-  Analysis,”  Journal  of Applied   nal of Organizational Behavior   sequences of Process Conflict,”
                    burn, “Managing the Life Cycle of   Psychology  92,  no.  3  (2007):     (December 2003): 979–1001.  Small Group Research, April
                    Virtual Teams,” Academy of Man-  595–615; and M. R. Barrick, G. L.    42.  A. Mehta, H. Feild, A. Armenakis,   2011, 127–76; R. S. Peterson and
                    agement Executive, May 2004,   Stewart, M. J. Neubert, and M. K.   and N. Mehta, “Team Goal Ori-  K. J. Behfar, “The Dynamic Re-
                    6–20; B. L. Kirkman, B. Rosen, P.   Mount,  “Relating Member  Abil-  entation and  Team Performance:   lationship between Performance
                    E. Tesluk, and C. B. Gibson, “The   ity and Personality to Work-Team   The Mediating Role of  Team   Feedback,  Trust, and Conflict in
                    Impact of Team Empowerment on     Processes and  Team Effective-  Planning,”  Journal of Manage-  Groups:  A  Longitudinal Study,”
                    Virtual Team  Performance: The   ness,” Journal of Applied Psychol-  ment (August 2009): 1026–46; K.   Organizational Behavior and Hu-
                    Moderating Role of Face-to-Face   ogy (June 1998): 377–91.  Blanchard, D. Carew, and E. Pari-  man Decision Processes, Septem-
                    Interaction,”  Academy of Man-   36.  M. Costello, “Team Weaver,” Peo-  si-Carew, “How to Get Your Group   ber–November 2003, 102–12; and
                    agement Journal (April 2004):   ple Management, January 2011,   to Perform Like a Team,” Training   K. A. Jehn, “A Qualitative Analy-
                    175–92; F. Keenan and S. E. Ante,   26–27; and C. Margerison and   and Development (September   sis of Conflict Types and Dimen-
                    “The  New Teamwork,”  Business   D. McCann,  Team Management:   1996): 34–37; K. D. Scott and A.   sions in Organizational Groups,”
                    Week, February 18, 2002,   Practical  New Approaches (Lon-  Townsend, “Teams:  Why Some   Administrative Science Quarterly,
                    EB12–EB16; and G. Imperato,   don: Mercury Books, 1990).  Succeed and Others Fail,”  HR   September 1997, 530–57.
                    “Real Tools  for  Virtual Teams,”    37.  K. H. T. Yu and D. M. Cable, “Un-  Magazine,  August 1994, 62–67;    46.  O. A. Alnuaimi,  L.  P.  Robert  Jr.,
                    Fast Company, July 2000, 378–87.  packing Cooperation in Diverse   K. Hess,  Creating the High-Per-  and L. M. Maruping, “Team Size,
                 32.  R. I. Sutton, “The Boss as Human   Teams,” Team Performance Man-  formance Team (New York: Wiley,   Dispersion, and Social Loafing in
                    Shield,” Harvard Business Review,   agement,  March 2011,  63–82; A.   1987); and Katzenbach and Smith,   Technology-Supported  Teams:  A
                    September 2010, 106–09; and Hy-  Nederveen Pieterse, D. van Knip-  “The Wisdom of Teams,” 43–64.  Perspective on the Theory of Moral
                    att and Ruddy, “An Examination   penberg, and  W. P. van Ginkel,    43.  H. van Emmerik, I. M. Jawahar,   Disengagement”; C. Cheshire and
                    of the Relationship between Work   “Diversity in Goal Orientation,   B. Schreurs, and N. de Cuyper,   J. Antin, “None of Us Is as Lazy as
                    Group Characteristics and Perfor-  Team Reflexivity, and Team Per-  “Social Capital,  Team Efficacy   All of Us”; R. van Dick, J. Stellm-
                    mance,” 577.              formance,”  Organizational Be-  and Team Potency: The Mediating   acher, U. Wagner, G. Lemmer, and
                 33.  M. E. Palanski, S. S. Kahai, and F.   havior and Human Performance,   Role of  Team Learning Behav-  P.  A.  Tissington, “Group  Mem-
                    J. Yammarino, “Team Virtues and   March 2011, 153–64; M.-E. Ro-  iors,”  Career Development Inter-  bership Salience and Task Perfor-
                    Performance: An Examination of   berge and R. van Dick, “Recog-  national (February 2011): 82– 99;   mance”; A. Jassawalla, H. Sashit-
                    Transparency, Behavioral Integri-  nizing  the  Benefits  of  Diversity:   T. Lewis, “Assessing Social Iden-  tal, and  A. Malshe, “Students’
                    ty, and Trust,” Journal of Business   When  and  How  Does  Diversity   tity and Collective Efficacy as   Perceptions of Social Loafing: Its
                    Ethics (March 2011): 201–16; H.   Increase Group Performance,” Hu-  Theories of Group Motivation   Antecedents and Consequences
                    H. Chang, S. S. Chuang, and S. H.   man Resource Management Re-  at Work,”  International Journal   in Undergraduate Business Class-
                    Chao, “Determinants of Cultural   view, December 2010, 295–308;   of Human Resource Manage-  room Teams”; K. H. Price, D. A.
                    Adaptation, Communication Qual-  and E. Mannix and M. A. Neale,   ment (February 2011): 963–80;   Harrison, and J. H. Gavin, “With-
                    ity,  and Trust  in  Virtual Teams’   “What Differences Make a Differ-  K. Tasa, G. J. Sears, and A. C. H.   holding Inputs in Team Contexts:
                    Performance,”   Total  Quality  ence: The Promise and Reality of   Schat, “Personality and Teamwork   Member Composition, Interaction
                    Management and Business Excel-  Diverse Teams in Organizations,”   Behavior  in  Context:  The Cross-  Processes, Evaluation Structure,
                    lence, March 2011, 305–29; A. C.   Psychological Science in the Pub-  Level Moderating Role of Collec-  and Social Loafing,”  Journal of
                    Costa and N. Anderson, “Measur-  lic Interest, October 2005, 31–55.  tive Efficacy,” Journal of Organi-  Applied Psychology (December
                    ing Trust in Teams: Development    38.  A. Deutschman, “Inside the Mind   zational Behavior (January 2011):   2006): 1375–84; and R. Albanese
                    and  Validation of a Multifaceted   of Jeff Bezos,” Fast Company, Au-  65–85; J. A. Goncalo, E. Polman,   and D. D. Van Fleet, “Rational Be-
                    Measure of Formative and Reflec-  gust 2004, 50–58.  and C. Maslach, “Can Confi-  havior in Groups: The Free Riding
                    tive  Indicators  of  Team  Trust,”    39.  Hyatt and Ruddy, “An Examina-  dence  Come  Too  Soon?  Collec-  Tendency,”  Academy of Manage-
                    European Journal of Work & Or-  tion of the Relationship between   tive Efficacy, Conflict and Group   ment Review, April 1985, 244–55.
                    ganizational Psychology (Febru-  Work Group Characteristics and   Performance  Over Time,”  Orga-   47.  SmartPulse, “If Someone on Your
                    ary 2011): 119–54; M. Mach, S.   Performance”; J. D. Shaw, M. K.   nizational Behavior & Human De-  Team Hates  Their Job,  What Do
                    Dolan, and S.  Tzafrir, “The Dif-  Duffy, and E. M. Stark, “Inter-  cision Processes, September 2010,   You Do?” Smart Brief on Lead-
                    ferential Effect of Team Members’   dependence and Preference for   13–24; K.  Tasa, S.  Taggar, and   ership,
                    Trust  on Team  Performance: The   Group  Work: Main and Congru-  G. H. Seijts, “The Development   leadership, October 21, 2014.
                    Mediation Role of  Team Cohe-  ence Effects on the Satisfaction   of Collective Efficacy in  Teams:    48.  “Helping  Hands,”  HR Magazine,
                    sion,”  Journal of Occupational   and Performance of Group Mem-  A Multilevel and Longitudinal   May 2011, 18; M. O’Neil, “Lead-
                    and  Organizational Psychology   bers,”  Journal of Management   Perspective,”  Journal  of Applied   ing the Team,” Supervision, April
                    (September 2010): 771–94; B. A.   (June 2000): 259–79; and S.  A.   Psychology (January 2007): 17–  2011, 8–10; J. Beeson, “Build a
                    DeJong and T. Elfring, “How Does   Kiffin-Peterson and J. L. Cordery,   27; C. B. Gibson, “The Efficacy   Strong Team,”  Leadership Excel-
                    Trust  Affect the Performance of   “Trust, Individualism, and Job   Advantage: Factors Related to   lence, February 2011, 15; S. Bru-
                    Ongoing Teams? The  Mediating   Characteristics of Employee Pref-  the Formation of Group Efficacy,”   tus and M. B. L. Donia, “Improv-
                    Role of Reflexivity, Monitoring,   erence  for Teamwork,”  Interna-  Journal of Applied Social Psychol-  ing the Effectiveness of Students
                    and  Effort,”  Academy of  Man-  tional Journal of Human Resource   ogy (October 2003): 2153–86; and   in Groups with a Centralized Peer
                    agement Journal (June 2010):   Management  (February  2003):   D. I. Jung and J. J. Sosik, “Group   Evaluation System,”  Academy of
                    535–49; M. Williams, “In Whom   93–116.              Potency and Collective Efficacy:   Management Learning & Educa-
                    We  Trust: Group Membership as    40.  J. S. Bunderson and P. Boum-  Examining Their Predictive Valid-  tion, December 2010, 652–62; and
                    an Affective Context for Trust De-  garden, “Structure and Learning   ity, Level of Analysis, and Effects   N. H. Woodward, “Make the Most
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